Originally posted by Gottlieb:
Reading both threads one question comes out:

Why the original owner of this dagger send it to the buyer without getting paid first. I would never do this when it's about dagger worth such a big bucks !!!!
Inspection before buying - no problem - let's meet at my place and have an inspection, but sending it to unknown person - BIG MISTAKE !!!

Gottlieb, C J Ailsby is a 'DEALER' and dealers do not under normal circumstances pay out prior to receiving goods, it's the normal way of 'DEALING', lets say you need some cash pretty quick and can't be assed with hawking a piece around and decide to sell it on a straight sale basis to TW Or TJ, no problem mate they will take it off your hands, but they will want your piece on their desk before they write out a cheque, it's just how dealers work.

Shady dealings and crooks drove me away from TR stuff in the early 70's and I only 're' started collecting (TR) about 8 or 9 years ago in a very limited way principally because of the internet and being able to easily access genuine honest people, however it seems that the crooks are still around and it really is very 'off putting'; cases like this really do not put this branch of militaria collecting in a good light.


Guns Mr Nolan, I see no Guns!