Originally posted by Houston Coates:....
Also-I think these badges had to be bought by the qualifier?? So--many may have not bought one-perhaps only those who bought one were recorded ??....

I was reading through this thread again today & noticed a point that I forgot to clarify.

No, the badges were not bought as such by the participant. One badge was automatically included with the cost of the Stammkarte. However the shoot could be repeated to achieve a higher level if required. Lower grade badges could be exchanged for free for a higher grade badge once the appropriate score required had been reached (bronze for silver, silver for gold etc). If however the participent wanted to keep the awarded lower grade badge & also receive the next grade up he/she would have to pay for any higher grade badges awarded.


"Much that once was, is lost, for none now live who remember it"

Galadriel, LotR.