Hey Guys,

I have been watching this thread with a great deal of interest and just wanted to make a few observations. At the beginning of the thread there was a flood of opinions that the dagger in question was definately good, beautiful, Proper, and undoubtedly Original. To this point, I have seen NO-ONE actually come out and say the dagger is bad, Not one! Gailen DID say he didn't like certain things about it, but he also said he MIGHT be Wrong. However tongue in Cheek. The Court thing is going to be a waste of time, as I see it, because for Every 5 guys you get to say it is wrong there will be 5 guys available to say it is Right! We ALL KNOW THAT is a FACT. As to the guy who sold it to you, He is a SKUNK for sure! For not honoring his 7 day agreement. But, He also may be genuinely convinced that the item is good.

I am very curious, Mongo, that you were so quick to accept the few dissenters that insinuated, not said outright, that the dagger is bad! especiall to the point that you are selling off all your stuff. That is a Total Shame and I do not think that, Even now, you have really thought out any of your actions. I guess it is just the difference between a pessimist and an optimist! Doesn't ANYONE ELSE see this??????


Railgun 88