evilmike, got an answer Sir, well, three answers.
"Atwood", pg 62, 1934 price, in US dollars, $1.60 (2.88RM).
"Angolia", ("Daggers Bayonets and Fighting Knives of Hitler's Germany"), pg 97, 2.88RM or $1.60 US.
"Johnson", ("Collecting the Edged Weapons of the Third Reich"), pg 78, "fixed" price of 4RM.

I wouldn't know who is "right", Mssrs Atwood & Angolia at $1.60 or Mr Johnson at 4RM which I calculate to be $2.22 US.

It would "seem" that the lower price would have been easier on the families and Angolia says the 2.88RM was 1/8th of a weeks salary for I would guess, an "average" German worker. This whole Solingen rebirth was to get money into that hurting City so I would go with 2.88RM or $1.60 US!

Hope this helps, Lloyd