Originally posted by Aaron Buck (a.k.a. BuckDom or BugDoom): Never heard of NOLF2 - is it good?

Aaron Nolf 2 is a first person shooter that is hilarious but also the game play is fantastic you play as Kate Archer a spy the game is kind of a James bond knock off actually Monolith who made Fear made NOLF2 Stands for no one lives for ever 2. It is a older game but I guarantee it still looks great and the game play is as good as any of the above mentioned games you can probably pick it up for $10. Gave fear a couple run throughs with the new Alienware and now replaying doom 3 on ultra settings and wow this game is beautiful a work of art . Will be busting of COD 2 as soon as I give doom a run through. Anybody play multiplayer Fear death match? Been playing some and it is a hoot.

Collecting Interests - Heer Daggers - Waffenrock - Portraits - http://WW2-Collector.com