
Mark you are correct. The only difference in the blades is the missing word "original"

The rules: You must say why you question something and my reason is that the trademark in question is not like others of that year.

When there are variations of trademark more than one has shown up. Look at the Eickorn 1937 SS marks. One version, with the squirrel, is shown above twice. The other, without the rodent or "Original" is below, twice.

Perhaps other blades like it will turn up and prove it to be one of many, but as I said at the top of this thread, it needs explanation.


My understanding is that the wax template or acid resit was a sheet of wax with the motto on one side and the trademark on the other. It was folded over the blade. We see trademarks slightly off center (like the first 1937 mark above)or slightly rotated and there is always a corresponding offset or rotation to the motto.

I am certain that far worse mistakes were made by bad application of the templates, but that they never made it out the door. As for repair to a template, it would be very difficult and time consuming to modify the wax, both front and back without later showing traces on the blade front or displacing the motto. Besides that, companies have no tolerance for workers monkeying with trademarks.


SS_RZM_941_-37_SS.JPG (68.47 KB, 1291 downloads)