
The price difference between Allach and "normal" high quality porcelain can literally stagger the average collector. I guess the term sticker-shock is quite apropos?

What I'd like to point out here is the fact that if the average collector does a modicum of homework and a bit of searching, some very lovely things can be found for a fraction of the cost of Allach. Case in point, your two stallion figures ...

If you study the work of a particular porcelain artist and familiarize yourself with his style, etc., there are some exceptional bargains to be found from time to time. Wink

For those who'd like to add a piece of porcelain to accent their collection but just can't afford to shell out for Allach, this is precisely the route to follow. Choose any Allach sculptor and research his working history. Find out where he worked prior to serving on the Reichsheini's staff and take a look at his earlier works. You'll be amazed at just how good some of these fellows were, long before 1935-1945. As Tristan points out, some of these can be purchased for a fraction of the cost of NS porcelain. Truer words could'nt be spoken.

I recently found an unmarked K�rner dog sculpture for a very reasonable price simply because the word "K�rner" wasn't included in the search-description. Nice! Smile

Always wanted a decent polar bear for my collection and settled on this Danish sculpture by Niels Nielson. Difficult to capture all the detail of the subtle shades of paint in the highlights and shadow areas. Please enjoy.

I wish you all the best of collecting this summer, get out there and find something! Big Grin


NNpolarbear1sm.jpg (44.95 KB, 119 downloads)