
What an incredible find, that is nothing short of amazing!

Anything by K�rner in bronze should be considered rare and even more difficult to find than its porcelain counterpart.

To me this is simply a beautiful unit, just magnificent! There are so many good stag figures out there in porcelain, bronze and carved wood, many of which are first class sculptures, but in my book no one even comes close to Herr K�rner's deer renderings - stags, does or fawns, it doesn't matter which, they're all definitely "a cut above." Even his drawings and paintings of the Red-Deer family are extremely fine and show an intimate knowledge of these animals. There's just so much life and energy in his work, a real pleasure to see. Absolutely a classic and a great addition to your hunting and forestry collection. Well done! Smile


I haven't seen this particular pair before but I do agree the price is a bit heavy-handed. There are so many good human figurines out there, you can take your pick - figures from the great operas, historical and military themes and even the old European fairy tales are well-covered.

I still like the Allach human sculptures the best of all. The quality is second to none and the fact that it's from the SS does it for me. I think I'd rather have just one of those than fifteen good ones from other companies, heh. The only human figure I have in my own collection is Theodor's, "Amazone," and that's only because I'm a big K�rner fan. Big Grin

Thanks guys for sharing your great stuff and thoughts with us, keep up the good work! Wink

