To elaborate,
The spot was caused by applying and rubbing the Semichrome in light, circular motion. My understanding is that if you are going to use this product on a cross-grained blade or a surface with brused appearance, it is critical that you follow the direction of the grain. Obviously, in this instance I did not. Although I fouled up, I did not apply much pressure, nor did the circular pollishing continue for more than a second or two. Again, I would be reluctant to use the product again on crossgrained blades.

If you are new to the product, read up on proper usage. When using on plated or gilted hilts, one must excercise extreme caution as well. Everyone has thier preferences. I utilize a mixture of products. Semichrome, homemade sudsy-ammonia, Renwax, and Pecards.

Find what works best for you and work with it. But remember, damage is permanent. Certainly patina will return after time. Crossgraining and plating will not.

That's my story and i'm sticking to it.



German Sabers