Hi there,

I am late arriving in this thread, having been deployed elsewhere dodging flak.

Skyline Drive, I have tried the web address that you show, but cannot see any image - perhaps the seller has pulled the images now that the piece has sold? Did any one download them for their own records, in which case can they be seen?

JohnZ, congratulations on your success at obtaining the dagger. Is it possible that you could take a selection of photographs of the piece (including details showing it in dismantled form)? I would really like to see, and know, more about this dagger.

Although there is probably no doubt that "Honour Daggers" such as these were presented to the recipient (and with some great ceremony, at local level). It is my opinion, however, that in the majority of cases the recipient was awarded only the "Right to bear the Honour Dagger" - and he would be given a certificate to prove that he had the authority to carry such an item. Actual possession of the item was something that he had to pay for, and in terms of the existing economy, such items would not be cheap - and the majority of people were not that wealthy.

I do not doubt that for some SA or SS men being granted this Honour, then their friends, associates of fellow members of their Sturm might subscribe together to purchase the dagger, and if there was enough money left over then they might well have contributed towards a damascus blade as well.

The actual purchase of the item could not be done direct with the factory. According to my Eickhorn Kundendienst (1938 edition) direct sale of the item to the individual was forbidden, and that applications for the dagger had to be made through the RZM.

The actual conditions which would merit the award of the right to carry the Ehrendolch remain a bit of a mystery - so if anyone has any information in this area, I would be pleased if they would care to share it with us.

Hope we see some photos!