There actually is another H�rster mark which is rarely seen. I've seen it on 1 (maybe 2?) fire bayonets & 1 or 2 Fallschirmj�ger gravity knives. Needless to say it's a rare mark to find on anything. I believe Fisher's guide lists H�rstator as a trade name for H�rster. When I first saw it I didn't know what to make of it. The quality of the mark made me think it might even have been a fake which is absolutely was not.

I culled this picture from Eban many moons ago, the mark was on a long model sawback that sold for a lot of money. Something to shoot for in the future I think. I'd love to see shots of this mark on a fire bayonet if anyone has one.

FW_Horstator_Eban.JPG (13.01 KB, 651 downloads)

GDC Gold Badge #290
GDC Silver Badge #310