I cannot add anything about these SS tunics or rank badges, but I do want to add 2 thoughts.

1. As late as the mid 1960's, I saw German men wearing WWII uniform items with insignia removed. I remember one particular guy who worked for the GI garbage contractor in Worms. He had been a junior NCO in the SS and wounded on the Russian Front. He wore his tunic on cool days and his greatcoat when it was really cold. He spoke some English and used to stop by our Orderly Room to get free coffee and tell war stories. He pointed at the shadows and loops on his tunic and named what had once been there. I remember seeing many ex-military coats beeing worn in winter.

2. I would be surprised if ANY tunics did not show some signs of removal and addition of items. Take the unitorm jacket hanging in my closet. It had different sets of stripes sewn on and removed and 4 different left shoulder patches. The collar brass, regimental insigia, and qualification badges changed several times and were removed for polishing dozens of time. It was also re-fitted when I lost weight after Basic Training. I can assure you that it is genuine despite evidence of having been "meesed with" Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin
