If I really wanted something bad, I would pay for it.

If someone wants to do it for investment its a game, they pay high but in the end will they be able to sell it for what they paid.Remember there is only one buyer at the end of the day.
That visor on Bruces site came out of an old collection years ago I remember when it was first aquired by a friend of mine from Gordon Mandley along with a couple others.That was in the late 80s.That same friend sold it to another friend for what he felt it was worth about three years ago.Someone now bought it for what they think its worth. But how many people charged the door to buy it? Thats what determines the value really, not what is paid. It was offered to me first,but I chose not to take it.Too much money into something I have less interest in than tunics.
By the way that visor is the famous "thick chincord" visor.It has its place in collector history congrats to the lucky owner its a fine cap.