
I thought it was a 1901 too from the writing that says "99/1901 Passan," but the online appraiser at what its worth told me that I was incorrect. So, I am correct? It is from 1901? What else from the info that the I included about what the appraiser wrote was possibly incorrect? I'd be grateful for your expertise!

Also, I am curious why they issued this Regimental Stein "to the reservist on his leaving the barracks in 1901"? I'd appreciate any info. Was the owner named "Karl Federholzer" since it is the name on the front of the base of the stein? And what does the The back of the info on the bottom back of the base that I believe states, "K. Reischubod, Munchen, Dachauerstr. 151." mean?

I am not going to sell it because for $250, I'd rather keep my father's memories, however, I'd sure like to know more about it and what the Bavarian words mean! ;-)

Warm regards,

Lesley Barton