Here's a recipe for homemade sudsy or "soapy" ammonia. Another member had posted a similiar recipe in the past. In light of recent maint. discussions, hopefully this will be of use.

A favorite cleaning product is "Sudsy Ammonia" - a pre-mixed cleaner readily available in most US supermarkets. It is not readily available elsewhere, or you might not be able to find it. Since "Sudsy Ammonia" is a trade name, this is called "Soapy Ammonia." You'll be able to make gallons of soapy ammonia solution from the one bottle of pure ammonia and save money over the supermarket price. Vary the concentration, depending upon the job. Use it without the detergent for windows instead of brand name window cleaners.

Locate pure ammonia solution. It's readily available in supermarkets in the household cleaner sections of larger supermarkets in the US. Otherwise, try hardware shops and places that sell industrial cleaners. You will probably want to buy the smallest possible bottle since you won't need a lot.
Use rubber gloves - ammonia can burn skin.
Be sure to make your mixture in a well ventilated area and do NOT lean over the bottles while you are pouring.
Organize this task so that you will be pouring over a sink just in case there is any dripping.
Use an clean empty plastic bottle (about 12 ounces). (Old spray cleaner bottles are great, for example, Windex. Be sure any old product is completely gone.)
With a steady hand, pour about a third of a cup of ammonia into the bottle.
Add a 1 - 2 teaspoonsful of dishwashing liquid.
Fill the remainder of the bottle with water.
Write "Soapy Ammonia" on the bottle with the indelible marker. Consider adding "POISON" and keep the mixture, along with the bottle of pure ammonia out of children's reach.


German Sabers