Hi guys,
I saw an interesting photo album over the weekend.It was brought to me by the son of a recently deceased vet.It had the encircled SS runes on the cover and under them was the legend "Zur Erinnerung an Meine Dienstzeit Standarte Deutschland". It was completely full of photos showing SS men on parade,in their barracks,home on leave, on maneuvers,target practice etc.Some of the last pics show them parading past the Munich mausoleum of the Nazi putschists and the final ones show the men and their vehicles being loaded on transport ships.
I've bought a few items from this fellow in the past few months but he's reluctant to part with this album.I'd like to make him an offer but I haven't a clue what something like this is worth.Can anyone enlighten me? Any info would be appreciated.

Thanks & best regards,

"If it ain't baroque don't fix it." Johann Sebastian Bach