I have recently pulled a bunch of my dagger projects out of storage after ten or fifteen years on my to-do list. I figure I better get to work on them before parts are too hard to find. I would appreciate any help you can give to find any of these parts. I have already checked most of the major dealers like Whittman and Johnson and of course Ebay.

Where to start?

1st Luft dagger: nickle pommel, nickle scabbard chain, alum dagger chain, blade

2nd luft dagger: Grip/wire, scabbard ring, crossguard

SA dagger: need wood handle and cross guards, blade

Redcross hewer: rear smooth grip, complete dagger minus scabbard

Navy dagger: Blade, release button, portapee

Army sword: blade and scabbard

I'm sure there are more but I guess I'll start there.

Thanks for your help or direction

Thanks, Blademan