These all are wonderful blades and they are extremely nice examples of skillful made etchings. Each one a high quality dagger.

Hubertus, the first one "this is the front side of the blade dated 1890" reads:
Der Allgemeine Deutsche Jagdschutz Verein/Dem Revierf�rster Freiherrn von Hunolstein in Liebeneck in Anerkennung / seiner am 1ten Juni 1890 an den Tag gelegten Umsicht und Entschlossenheit
transl: The general german protection-of-hunt association / to the professional-district-hunter (=forester) baron of Hunolstein at Liebeneck in recognition / of his, on the 1st of june 1890, shown circumspection and determination
The inscription without any doubt is related to any happening on the certain day, perhaps, as usual at these times, a fight against poachers or any heroic deed to protect his master during any danger but these are only assumtions as the happening itself is not mentioned. But perhaps could be resarched due to the fact that this high quality blade has been given because of this event.
The second one "the front side of the blade with the scabbard is dated 29.Aug.1898" reads:
Ehrengeschenk des Allgemeinen Deutschen Jagdschutz-Vereins/ dem K�nigl. Forstaufseher Huk(?-cannot read exactly this name because of the pic) f�r gute Leistungen im Jagdschutz 28.Aug.1898
transl: Honor-gift of the general german protection-of-hunt association/ to the royal hunting-guard (forester) Huk (name of the individuum, but I cannot read exactly due to the pic) for good archievments in protction-of-hunt 28 august 1898
Hope this helps.

wotan, gd.c-b#105

"Never look for sqare eggs" as a late owner of an original FHH-dagger used to say.