This frog is a typical high clas repro. several traders sell this frogs in germany und others out of austria. The source is unknown.
the fakes came with two and 0/0378/0007.

The Stamp is also the same widness...from one rand to the other. The original stamps of this maker are differnt.

the leather is very well made. but the colour is rubber like. the stud is a perfect copy or a depot peace.

the leather is season agend.

The rivets are ones with flat dooms. normal seen by different copys.

also airforce frogs were faked... the same rivtes. NAPOLA frogs too...painbted green... or yellow, grey painted ones.
fake SS stamd also also put on.

i own serveral typs of the maker 0/552/0024 and i see a lot of them.
they are all stamped in the same way.

here a pic:

P1040314.JPG (69.56 KB, 93 downloads)