John I can say the scabbard is a pack and I personally have seen another Henckels with a pack scabbard and the same type grip wire so iam personally OK with this arrangement. Also the earliest Henckels army daggers are seen fitted with yep-Pack parts.Intersting as well as I was contacted several years ago by a fellow who had an army dagger his dad brought back a Henckels and it was dressed in Alcoso parts with the later high lift guard and white grip-man I would have killed for that dagger. My point is most of the Henckels I have seen 2nd luft or army have had either some or all Alcoso parts or Pack. Also I have seen a 2nd luft with what I think was a WKC scabbard so....

Collecting Interests - Heer Daggers - Waffenrock - Portraits -