This hasn't fizzled out at all, just not updating every 5 minutes, the forum isn't the only thing in my life Wink

Anyway the end conclusion is that the name is 'Giebel', we've checked enough examples to be fairly sure of this fact. Having run through the various DALs we've reached the conclusion that the recipient could only have been one Wilhelm Giebel - details as above. John is preparing the file for me now, there are 37 pages on him.

As per above, his details are -

Giebel, Wilhelm
SS Nr: 170,185
Partei Nr: 1,267,496
Rank (1938) Untersturmf�hrer (12.9.37)
9. Standarte

John has preadvised me the following which I quote -

he was a St�dtliche Vollziehungs Beamte in the town of Lippehne in the former district of Prussia. His position translates as some kind of city enforcement official, maybe a code inspector. From the back of his F�hrerkarte I can see that he was an NCO in the military home guard from 36-40 and entered the Waffen-SS in January 1945, but not as an officer.

