".... The .... evidence that the hallmarks and silver marks are incorrect .... (etc. etc.) I look forward to a revised view by some of the believers".

Although I think Craig seemed to be teetering on the edge a couple of times, from my understanding of those who are (or purport to be) the �believers� of the �H�hnlein� daggers. In all of their multiple configurations. With that one possible exception, I don�t see any of them breaking ranks, or having a sudden public epiphany occurring myself.

Earlier while I was getting some feedback on the MAX show. I came across a quote from Arthur Schopenhauer a 19th century German philosopher, which I think is appropriate for what has been happening with this thread:

"Alle Wahrheit durchl�uft drei Stufen. Zuerst wird sie l�cherlich gemacht oder verzerrt. Dann wird sie bek�mpft. Und schlie�lich wird sie als selbstverst�ndlich angenommen." Which roughly translates to: All truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed or distorted. Then it is fought. And finally, it is taken for granted.

In this discussion we have seen all three. With the momentum in stage three seeming to favor the �disbelievers�. Which (at least IMO) seems to have been substantially assisted by a failure to properly address some of the specific problem areas that were brought up in this latest discussion. FP