Hi Evrybody!

Hi was reading the magazine Unifommarkt yesterday, and found a "HerstellungsVorschritt" (production details/advice) regarding the neu Feldbluse der Feuerschutzpolizei. It describe teh same Schupo tunic M1941 but with Feuerwehr insignas. Does anybody have such piece? Or saw such?

Uniformarkt was publised between 1934 and 1945 and give monthly the news regarding the uniform industri in germany for all branches : ORPO, Heer, Partei, SA, SS, RAD,TeNo, usw.
It gives you teh industrial describtion, and sometime the exact pattern of the uniform. I found in teh year ,1936, the pattern of the Orpo waffenrock, designed by Alfred Rudolf Maurer, a famous Tailor from Berlin (finally I caugh his complete booklet from 1936, with all patterning of third reich uniform)