Deflection? Someone needs to seriously read over the content and grasp all aspects of the study involved! Experience and time is also of the essence, I may not have 40+ years of experience as most of my mentors do although I do have 30 years in the hobby. Natural age and wear is a substantial factor in determining originality. This is true of helmets, badges and daggers as well as any antique or collectable. JR�s question is truly relevant to the analysis, if someone does not understand this they should stay out of the argument.
One last point. I agree it is extremely improbable for one person to find three of these out of the �woods� as Craig has. However, my buddy Jim found 13 RKs and 4 SA High Leader daggers from vets over the years. My other friend has found many National treasure Japanese swords out of the woodwork so, probable no, possible yes!
Robert Iqbal