Hi Shu,
Here is the info my friend sent me on the owner of the M35.



As promised here's the info I found on Heinz Schwering (born 9 Jan 1912). First, there were about 8 guys named Schwering in the Waffen-SS. Only one had the name Heinrich (a.k.a Heinz). Based on the info in the 20-30 documents I analyzed related to him he was not in Deutschland, but a Hauptscharf�hrer in the SS-Totenkopf. Most of his documents indicate he was stationed at Konzentrationslager (Kzl) Sachsenhausen. There were about 20-30 docs on him (includes some family tree info for racial purity on him & his wife) and 3 pics of him (a straight-on head shot, profile, and kick-ass full body shot in his Allg-SS uniform with what looks like a Totenkopf cuff-title).

