Craig, If the blades were later �freshened up� with an acid bath, then they will be etched inside the letters, but most likely not as deeply as they would have been under normal circumstances. My point being that the interiors of the letters should be at least comparable to the squirrel etching if not deeper. So if possible, please also take some more images of the squirrel as a control for the inside of the letters.

Zorro,� There is no factory use of rotary engravers for TR Solingen blade makers (for presentation blades) that I know of, instead using more conventional� methods. There is evidence, however, of engravers being used after an item was sent to the end user.�

One example that comes to mind are the 98K combat bayonets that were sent to the German Kriegsmarine. Engravings were used to add the Naval control/property markings.� As seen with these markings, they are fairly small, being roughly 1/8 inch in height.� Reasonably decent workmanship IMO (the 1939 date is a factory stamping.) FP

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