Thanks to Joe Wotka for his additions to the discussion. Especially for what I am assuming is a 1936 print version of H�hnlein�s signature. I don�t ever recall seeing it in what is essentially a more vertical configuration (versus slanted). With the addition of a couple of fairly prominent umlaut dots. A very interesting variation.

I also think that there is now enough evidence to safely push back the �falling N tail" version of his official signature to 1937 (thanks again to Joe for this very apt description - it now has a name). With the further addition (from the other thread) of Helumt Weitze�s award plaque (via Craig) covering the bases for what looks like 1938. (Weitze�s plaque is cut off, but that is what the date looks like to me.)

Which leads me to ask a couple of questions. I�m not an NSKK specialist, and did not do an exhaustive search, but one of my books puts the NSKK H�hnlein dagger at 1938. With presumably the daggers being manufactured somewhere close to that date. Is this universally accepted as a good date? Which leads me to the next. If R. Gr�ner was promoted to Brigadefuhrer on November 9, 1941. At what point was it supposed to have been presented to him? And when was it supposed to have been made? FP

NSKK_Manual__1936.jpg (51.4 KB, 765 downloads)