I would like to give a brief overview of the tunics and collar tabs. 1933 they authorized new collar tabs and shoulder boards for the dark blue tunics. the tabs were the ss style using pips and oak leaves. in 1936 they change the tabs to the military style litzen for lower ranks up to the army "feather" general tabs.although they did not find they way to all directorates untill early 38 and are usually referred as the 38 uniforms. in 1941 the authorized the new lighter horizon blue uniforms the the more familiar winged wheel (Flugelrad) style tabs.
the bahnschutz reserves mainly served in occupied territories especially in Russia (with special wehrmact training) and wore the field gray uniforms identified with the wehrmacht. i do not know of any of the gray uniforms that servived. someone posted that they knew of one. can you please contact me as i would like to study and document it very much if possible.(willing to travel to see it) this is just a brief rundown for now. will try and post some photos and get into the boards.

" six degrees of separation "