After some hard negotiations I finally got 9 albums with 1304 photos of a member of the Hitlerjugend.
Before I post some photos here, I would like to tell a bit of the story.
The albums come from another collector. He has got them from the family of Achim von Tippelskirch.
Now Achim von Tippelskirch was the nephew of Kurt von Tippelskirch. General and Oak-Leaf Winner.
His father ( the brother of Kurt v.T.) was an airforce general.
I would like to find out a bit more about the Tippelskirch family.
Some more information about the airforce general.
Kurt von Tippelskirch survived the war and wrote a book about the 2nd WW in the 50ties.
But I have not much information about his brother and the rest of the family.
These 9 albums have some outstanding photos. They start about 1934 with early HJ pictures. The majority of the photos is between 1936 and 1938. Many HJ-camps, travels in germany and italy. Normal duty and so on. They end in 1941, when Achim v.T. was a Leutnant in the artillery branch and was in russia.
1.) Young Achim v.T. sitting on the shoulders of a younger comrad.
2.) Some early HJ-Leaders
3.) Leader of a HJ-school, name was HALLER
4.) HJ-Bannf�hrer ULRICH (in the car) and HALLER again far right
5.) Some Jungvolk leaders
6.) All these boys were from Gruppe S�d-Hochland ( this one is holding a snake in his hand)
7.) Another HJ-Leader on the left, ID possible ???
8.) And yet another photo of the leader in photo 7. Note that he is a winner of the blood-order !
The SA-Sturmbannf�hrer in the middle has the blood-order too. I will come back to this guy later.
9.) And yet another photo of this "swearing the oath" ceremony
10.) Jungvolk boys having fun
11.) That's what they did with their knives:
12.) There are lots of photos like the next one:
13.) And also a lot of photos like this one:
14.) Being on a bicycle tour and inspected by the police:
15.) Visiting army barracks
16.) One series with these kind of photos is quite impressive:
17.) Some more, these are "cool"
18.) Great shots
19.) Can't get enough of them
20.) One more...
21.) Munich in front of the Feldherrnhalle
22.) Can not read what's on the flag..
23.) Photos from the HJ-homes
24.) That one was in munich in the Hess-Street. Still have to find out which street that is today.
25.) Recruiting new boys
26.) A small series of these photos, but it is Achim v.T. who is enlisting the new boys
27.) This series has these stamps on the back
28.) Travelling around
29.) The quality of the most photos is extraordinary
30.) Another one
31.) A journey to italy
32.) In Verona, seems they had some other uniforms for going outside the country ??
33.) Riva at the Gardasee
34.) Office of the Bann
35.) Another HJ-leader - E. KLEIN
36.) Packing the tent-role on the tornister
37.) Visiting army barracks again
38.) Pages in the albums look like these:
Now it's time to come back to Achim v.T. again.
39.) A nice portrait ( one of a series )
40.) Together with his father, the airforce general
41.) In some army barracks, note the wounded HJ-boy at the left
42.) As said before, he was in the army in 1939, here in poland
43.) In France with his father, already an NCO rank
44.) His parents
45.) In poland with his father, the description in the album tells us, that this was his father's airplane and he took the opportunity to take a flight over Warszaw. It is a french Caudron 440.
47.) His father again, together with a hungarian officer
48.) Last photo shows Achim as a Leutnant
Now You have seen 48 photos out of 1304.
Maybe You can imagine the quality of this lot.
Personally I think it is the best photographic material that I have ever seen from the HJ.
At least it is for me.
Maybe somebody can help me out with some more infos about this family.
Kind regards