09/07/2009 03:03 AM
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3.2 TeNo Armscheibe TAN / BROWN Color SubType
The Type 3.2 TeNo TAN / BROWN Color Armscheibe is something of an Enigma for me, in trying to understand precisely WHAT WAS it�s intended use!
It would �seem� that this color combination would be for �Tropical� use � similar to Tan patches of many other TR Organization. Yes, a TeNo Tropical Uniform was described in �Uniformen-Markt� of March 1, 1942 � but I am not �sure� IF the Tan Patch was also described?
The 1936-1937 Kn�tel Police Post Card series, Card # 14 (page 487 �Defending the Reich� & Rear Cover of �Police, Vol. 2�) - to my �eyes� is the Tan Sleeve Patch (which Kn�tel shows on the Drillich.) I also have a Foto of a TN Officer, in White Tunic (Hamburg, 1944), who is wearing this Tan Patch. So � we have the 3.2 Tan Eagle Armscheibe, which �may� have been introduced as early as 1936 & was still in use as of 1944. It has been seen on the TeNo �work� Uniform (Drillich) � the TeNo Tropical Uniform (suggested) - & the TeNo White (Summer) Officer�s Tunic. (It is shown as the Sleeve Eagle on a TeNo White Drillich, on page 561 of �Police, Vol. 2�.) �IF� all of this is Correct - then the 3.2 TAN / BROWN was quite a multipurpose use Patch!
The Type 3.2 TeNo Armscheibe has the following Characteristics: � Same General Characteristics of Type 3.1C, above, in that � The base material is of a 1 piece Tan or Lighter Brown Color Nylon, which is then folded over on the Reverse & machine sewn together, but is not completely sewn shut & is not fully covering the Reverse of the �Front� embroidery � except in the BEVO model. � The TeNo �Eagle Emblem� is machine woven using an Off-White Thread. � The Eagle�s LEFT Talon Does touch the Arm of the Swastika below it.
VARIATIONS: At least three (3) Variations of Type 3.2 have been seen (So far, & I anticipate other Variations of this model!): � 3.2A: ges. gesch., BEVO � is machine woven onto the cloth & when folded over, the Name shows on the edge of the Reverse. The fold over completely covers the reverse, but it is Not sewn in the middle. No loose threads are present. Eagle�s body is narrow at its chest & then slightly tapers towards the base. Feathers are Not distinct & the Eagle�s head is Small. Super Construction! � 3.2B: Non Maker Marked � made as a 1 piece Patch, as above, but the Reverse �Fold Over� is not complete & a mass of loose threads are seen! Eagle�s body is wide at its chest & then tapers towards the base. Feathers are very distinct & are individual. The Eagle�s head is Large. � 3.2C: Non Maker Marked � made as a 1 piece Patch, as above, but the Reverse �Fold Over� is not complete, & when it is sewn closed, it leaves a small open Reverse sided Triangle, which exposes a mass of loose threads! Eagle�s body is narrow at its chest & then slightly tapers towards the base. Feathers are very distinct & are individual. The Eagle�s head is Medium sized.
ATTACHMENT: Type 3.2A + 3.2B + 3.2C TeNo Armscheibe TAN EAGLE Examples
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09/07/2009 03:07 AM
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3.3 TeNo Armscheibe GREEN Color SubType
The Type 3.3 TeNo GREEN Color Armscheibe seems to be the least complex of the �Standard� Type 3.0 Eagles.
There tends to be agreement that the Type 3.3 GREEN Color Armscheibe was intended to be used on the left sleeve of the TeNo �Work� / Drillich Uniform. I have not seen an example of this combination in wear, but I �believe� that it does exist (somewhere!)
The Type 3.3 TeNo GREEN Armscheibe has the following Characteristics: � Same General Characteristics of Type 3.1C, above, in that � The base material is a thicker 1 piece Nylon in a Medium GREEN Color. � There is No �Fold Over� of material � this is a �thick� patch. � The TeNo �Eagle Emblem� is machine woven using an Off-White Thread. The weaving is rather c*o*a*r*s*e, leaving less distinct details throughout. � Feathers are well seen & extend All the way up the neck � as a quite distinct characteristic. � The Eagle�s LEFT Talon does Not touch the Arm of the Swastika below it. � I have Not encountered any Maker Marked examples. � Besides the GREEN Color, the most Unusual Aspect of the 3.3 is that there is an embroidered peripheral Line Edge, on All 3 sides, using Off-White Thread. (This is a Unique Feature for Type 3.0 TN Eagle Patches.)
VARIATIONS: I have Not seen any significant differences in these Type 3.3 GREEN TN Eagles, which would suggest any variations (yet!)
ATTACHMENT: Type 3.3 TeNo Armscheibe GREEN TN EAGLE Examples
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09/07/2009 03:14 AM
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3.4 TeNo Armscheibe �CUT-OUT� SubType
The TeNo 3.4 �CUT-OUT� SubType Armscheibe / Eagle does more reasonably belong under the 3.1 SubTypes (but � I was reluctant to show you any More of the �Blue� Variations!)
This �CUT-OUT� SubType Armscheibe / Eagle is one which had gone unrecognized by Collectors, until 1st seen on page 473 (TN Officer to the Far RIGHT) in �Defending the Reich.� When I �saw� it, I was surprised that LJ did not comment upon it.
I immediately began searching my TeNo Foto Archives - & YES, I also found Fotos of this �CUT-OUT� SubType Eagle Patch, which I also had also not �recognized!� (In fact, I found 3 Fotos of this �CUT-OUT� SubType Armscheibe / Eagle in my collection & even more examples in some Robert Noss Fotos.) Also, there is a Foto of Landesf�hrer Walther Junecke (LG XVII) wearing his TeNo Greatcoat � with the �CUT-OUT� Eagle clearly present, on page 570 of �Police, Vol. 2.� Thus - there is No question that this variation was worn!
I am aware of only One (1) example of this �CUT-OUT� Eagle � which resides in Paul Ayerst�s collection. (I have Not been able to personally examine it.) Paul informs me that his �CUT-OUT� Eagle example appears to have be made / manufactured, in this configuration & that the edges are wrapped & not �cut.� There is no Maker�s ID present.
In appearance, the �CUT-OUT� Eagle is just like a classic 3.1 Dunkelblau w Silver Wire Eagle. The difference is that 2 pieces of the Cloth Triangle, located between the lower edge of each Wing & the Canted / Rotated Swastica � have been removed. In Paul�s example, the Eagle�s LEFT Talon does Not touch the Swastica. So, this could represent a 3.1A (by �G & W�) or a 3.1 by a different Maker � which was either specifically Manufactured, or was �Custom Made.�
WHY the TeNo �CUT-OUT� Eagle? There is no documentation for it, but my �belief / theory� is that the �CUT-OUT� was done, in order to make the TeNo Sleeve Eagle Emblem more closely resemble the SS Sleeve Eagle (since the SS was the ultimate �parent� Organization for the TeNo.) Hopefully, more Examples of, & Information About, this �CUT-OUT� TeNo Eagle will be found.
ATTACHMENT = We've Posted this one, a page or 2 previously....
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09/07/2009 03:18 AM
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3.5 TeNo Armscheibe �MINI-SIZE� Unknown SubType
The TeNo 3.5 �MINI-SIZE� Unknown SubType Armscheibe / Eagle is quite an oddity � as it is basically a �Miniature� Type 3.1 Dunkelblau w Silver Wire Thread Sleeve Eagle! It is a real beauty & it was previously Unknown!
This TeNo 3.5 �Mini� is more the size of a TeNo Side Cap Eagle � But, the Eagle�s Head faces it�s RIGHT Wing, as do ALL TeNo Sleeve Eagles. To add to the Mystery, the �Mini� is Maker Marked �ges. Gesch. G & W� on the Reverse & it is of the same Construction as it�s �Bigger Brother� Type 3.1A �G & W� TeNo Sleeve Eagle. This one Example also shows definite signs of having been used & then Uniform removed.
WHAT was the "TN-Mini's" Purpose? I don�t know � yet, but I �believe� that we will learn it�s purpose when reading through some obscure issue of the �TN Verordnungsblatt� or in the �Die R�der� TN bi-monthly Magazine.
One long term TN Collector �suggested� that the 3.5 �Mini� could have been worn by the TN Helferin � since �Mini� sized Eagles were worn by the Female Auxiliary workers, in some other TR Organizations? (However, this is only a �guess� at this point, since No Fotos of [or Information about] the TeNo TR Helferin have yet been found � to my knowledge.)
ATTACHMENT: Type 3.5 TeNo Armscheibe �MINI� EAGLE � w 2 Other �G & W� Examples
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09/07/2009 03:22 AM
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3.6 TeNo Armscheibe HAND EMBROIDERED � (WHITE) SubType
The TeNo 3.6 HAND EMBROIDERED � (WHITE) SubType Armscheibe is one of the �Hyper-Rare� TeNo patches. I am aware of only TWO (2) example of this type. Yes � this is one of ONLY 2 TeNo Eagle Examples on Black Cloth!
The Type 3.6 HAND EMBROIDERED � (WHITE) SubType Armscheibe has the following Characteristics: � The base material is of 1 piece of Black wool. � There is No �Fold Over� of material. (Embroidery �stitches� are seen on the Reverse.) � The TeNo �Eagle Emblem� is HAND Embroidered using an Off-White Thread. � The TeNo Cog Wheel has 18 Cogs (A Very Unusual Number!) � The Embroidery is quite fine & shows many details exceptionally well. Distinct �twisted thread� is used between some wing feathers. � The Eagle�s Head is of a very �Unusual� rounded shape & has a hand applied Black Thread �Eye.� � The Eagle�s LEFT Talon does Not touch the Arm of the Swastika below it. � It is Not Maker Marked.
VARIATIONS: As noted, I am aware of only TWO (2) examples of this TeNo Type 3.6 HAND EMBROIDERED � (WHITE) SubType Armscheibe. It may well be a �Limited Use� patch � which was Custom Embroidered for a specific TN Unit, or for a Special Purpose designation. (I would Love to see another Example of this type!)
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09/07/2009 03:29 AM
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3.7 TeNo Armscheibe HAND EMBROIDERED � (BULLION) SubType
The TeNo 3.7 HAND EMBROIDERED � (BULLION - Silver) SubType Armscheibe is another one of the �Hyper-Rare� TeNo patches. Currently, the shown One (1) example, is the only one of which I am aware. I �believe� that the Type 3.7 also represents a �Custom Made� TeNo Eagle, for the reasons which I will list. Yes � this Example is Also on Black Cloth!
The Type 3.7 HAND EMBROIDERED � (BULLION - Silver) SubType Armscheibe has the following Characteristics: � The base material is of 1 piece of Black wool. � There is No �Fold Over� of material. (Bullion Embroidery �stitches� are seen on the Reverse, through a tear in the Black Paper covering) [Black Paper is also commonly seen on SS Patches.) � The TeNo �Eagle Emblem� is HAND Embroidered using Silver (Aluminum) BULLION Wire. � The TeNo Cog Wheel has 13 Cogs (Another Unusual Number!) � The Embroidery is fine & shows many details exceptionally well. Distinct �twisted BLACK thread� is used between wing feathers. � The Eagle�s Chest shows no feathers, as the Bullion is vertical. � The Eagle�s Head has a hand applied large Black Thread �Eye.� � The Eagle�s LEFT Talon does Not touch the Arm of the Swastica below it (But, it does override the arm of the swastica - which is Unusual.) � It is Not Maker Marked.
VARIATIONS: I am currently aware of this One (1) example of the TeNo Type 3.7 HAND EMBROIDERED � (BULLION - Silver) SubType Armscheibe. It may well be a �1 of Example� � but I am inclined to �believe� that there will be other Examples found, since this type of construction is well known in other TR Organizations. (I look Forward to seeing another Example of this type!)
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09/07/2009 03:38 AM
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TeNo Armscheibe Type 4.0 � TeNo-POLICE EAGLE
Here on GDC, we are fortunate to have seen several examples of this rare Adler already! The TeNo Armscheibe Type 4.1 � TeNo-POLICE EAGLE configuration, is that of the familiar Police Sleeve Eagle �shape� � but with a BLACK machine embroidered Eagle, used for TeNo-Police EM/NCO�s.
The Introduction of the Type 4.1 � TeNo-POLICE EAGLE is the study of delays, postponements, supply problems & SS political intrigue! The Type 4.1 was a part of Himmler�s �formal� (i.e. Uniform Wearing) incorporation of the TeNo - into the Polizei / SS umbrella (with the Uniform & Insignia changes published September 29, 1942.) But, there were delays & postponements - & another �official� announcement was made May 18, 1943, with an implementation date of June 1, 1943. However, even this important information was Not even published in the TeNo Magazine, �Die R�der� until December, 1943!
These �changes� were to be implemented 1st for those TeNo units serving outside of the Reich - & then gradually implemented to the then current Dunkelblau uniformed TeNo. Even with all of the past prior delays � there were future delays as well. The Dunkelblau uniformed TeNo, inside of the Reich, had Not received the �new� Police Green uniforms & had Not changed to the 29.9.1942 Ranks (including the wear of the Type 4.1 TeNo-POLICE EAGLE), by the end of the war.
The Type 4.1 TeNo-Police (EM / NCO) Armscheibe (EAGLE) has the following Characteristics: � The base material is of Police GREEN Wool, in an Oval shape backing. � A BLACK �Police Type� Eagle is machine embroidered on the Oval. � The Eagle�s head faces towards it�s Right Wing. � To be worn Only on the TeNo-Police Green Uniform. � There is NO TeNo Identification, of Any type, found on this Patch itself � other than the Unique BLACK Color Combination.
[Recognition of TeNo Membership was designated in the form of a Diamond Shaped Black Raute (Tradition Badge), which incorporated the classic �Cog with TN� emblem, machine embroidered in White Thread � & worn on the Left lower Sleeve.]
TeNo-Police Officer Eagles, are shown in TN Charts as being the familiar "Police Officer" Eagle Type, in Bullion - either on the Oval backing - or - as the Cut-Out types. Backing was Police Green.)....Txs, Dave/dblmed
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09/07/2009 03:42 AM
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SUMMARY-TeNo Armscheiben-Types 1.0 - 4.0 � POST OTHERS! ! !
SEARCH your Collections for other TN Eagle Variants. In the prior Posts, I have attempted to share with you essentially �ALL� of the information that I am currently aware of, concerning these 4 Types of TeNo Armscheiben (& their SubTypes).
Hopefully, these Postings have shown the Common, as well as some of the seldom seen or �previously unknown� TeNo Armscheiben. In doing so � hopefully, these TeNo LEFT Shoulder Patches will now be much �Less of a Mystery� & much more �Understandable� to Collectors. TR Collecting is a continuous learning process & I look forward to seeing other Examples & Learning more!
� PLEASE Post Other Examples & Variations of the various TeNo Armscheiben from your Collections (or from the NET) - for discussion & for learning from them.
� PLEASE Point Out & Correct Any �Errors / Misstatements� which I have made in my Postings! My intended goal is to present Only Accurate Information & to Learn more about the TN � TeNo. �Txs, Dave/dblmed
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09/07/2009 06:14 AM
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� DUTCH TN 'Circle' Patch, in Wear:
The DUTCH TeNo � TN - The TECHNISCHE NOODHULP 'Circle' Patch Similar to German TN Armscheibe 1.0
This nice Foto shows the Dutch TN �Circle� Patch Armscheibe being worn by the Noodhulper on the very Far RIGHT & another Noodhulper, on the Left Sleeve. They are dressed in the off white 'Drillich' / Working Uniform, similar to that of the German TeNo � TN.
� GERMAN TeNo � TN (Technische Nothilfe) OFFICERS: (LEFT) are wearing the Field-grey uniforms & Grey Visors which have the �Standard� TN Eagle Abzeichen, above the Laurel Leaf M�tzenkranz.
� DUTCH TeNo � TN (Technische Noodhulp) OFFICERS: (RIGHT) are wearing the TN Dunkelblau uniform & a Dunkelblau Visor - BOTH items with specific differences from those of the German TN. A very Interesting Foto of the seldom seen DUTCH TN. ...Txs, Dave/dblmed
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09/09/2009 08:03 AM
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Dear Dblmed, Absolutely outstanding analysis and presentation. I only wish I could work up a bit of interest in TENO. You almost succeed though  Thanks for all the hard word. An invaluable reference! Bill Unland
09/09/2009 07:27 PM
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new pic of three ORs of note the two are wearing side caps with LUFTWAFFE EAGLES
09/10/2009 12:14 AM
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PaulBear - ........Great Foto! (As a Dog lover, I thought that you just might snag this Foto!) Yes, the TeNo boys are also wearing the LUFT Flier's Blouse (Fliegerbluse, model 1 or model 2 - can't tell for sure, without seeing the lower front tunic, for the 2 slash pockets or lack of pockets!) Lots of nice details in your Foto!
Bill Unland ......Thanks Bill! I actually got my 'ideas' from seeing Your superb educational Postings of the Police Eagles, et al, that you & Dave C (& a few others) have shared with Collectors, on a number of Forums. Educational & Informative Posting can only help to advance the understanding of the TR Items, which we collect.
An appreciation of the TeNo � TN has 'Suffered' from too many prior Authors, who ALL seem to have "Lumped & Niched" the TN as a bunch of 'Old Guys' - - doing only Air Raid work.
Yes, the TN was a Key Element in assisting with Air Raid damage & in rescuing the victims - the would be better classified as "Paramedics" at times! But that is only a part of the Big Picture of the many TR activities of the TN. (As has become so much clearer with LJ's "Defending the Reich" and Hugh Taylor's superb Chapter 19, in "German Police, Vol. 2.")
In just looking at PaulBear's Foto - there is NOT an Old Man in the bunch! I see 2 very young men & perhaps a pre-middle aged fellow, on the right!
We are now at a time of a wonderful 'learning curve' about the varied activities of the TN, in WWII. We've learned that:
A) TN men were siphoned off, by the LUFTWAFFE - to handle the technical aspects of preparing & maintaining Air Fields; providing Electricity for Search Lights & Landing Lights (as well as for the surrounding FLAK Batteries); etc. - and they did this is virtually 'Every' theater of WWII - the West, inside the Reich, and the Ost! The TN was about everywhere that the LUFT was. (I have Not been able to confirm N. Africa - Yet!, but there is anectdotal evidence that they were there too.)
B) TN men were 'used' as HEER 'Auxilliary' Truppen, in the Saar; Austria; the Sudatenland; Poland - & in 1940, in Norway, the Pays-Bas & France. Then, in mid 1941 'many' of the TN Einsatzgruppen, were 'taken in' by the HEER to form the basis of the TECHNISCHE TRUPPEN. These 'TN Units' essentially filled the role of 'near-combat' Pioneers / Forward Engineers - and thus took pressure off of the 'Real' Pioneer units. The TN units had been trained in Demolition & use of Explosives - as a 'normal' part of being a TN-Mann. TN Troops were meant to be 2nd Line units, and were armed with 2nd line weaponery - and they were involved in combat situations & took casualties.
C) TN men were 'used' by the KRIEGSMARINE - but there is very sp**** information / documentaion, so far, as to exactly How. The TN had a special Diver's School, in Dresden & the Divers were also trained in Demolition & use of Explosives. The head of the TN Diver's School - after 1950, became the head of the Diver's School, for the new THW - Technische Hilfswerke, of the Bundesrepublik.
D) TN men were also 'used' extensively by the POLICE (& ultimately, the SS) in the Ost Campaign - and the DUTCH TN (Technische Noodhulp)& the Norwegian TN, were under Police / SS control & jurisdiction!
E) TN men were 'used' by the TN itself, as dedicated Units, through the RATN (Reichsamt Technische Nothilfe), & as independent functioning units - BOTH inside of the Reich & in the Ost & West, until the end of the war.
There is 'Still' so much to learn about the TeNo � TN - that its a fantastic story slowly unfolding in front of us! All of this, makes for a very Interesting - Multipurpose TR Organization!
Bill, we'll keep at it - always in 'Hopes' that you will "work up a bit of interest in TENO!" Just by your kind review of the 'TeNo Thread' - I hope that we have you Hooked on the TN!
Best, ... Dave/dblmed
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09/19/2009 02:39 AM
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ATTACHED is a very special TN Soldbuch, which was recently acquired, for 1944. The TN-mann (a WWI Vet) entered the TN on July 17, 1944 in Landesgruppe VIII, Schlesisen. His Soldbuch foto shows him wearing the 'proper Post-43' TeNo-Police Uniform (with the 'SS-Like' matching Collar Tabs & the TN current Shoulder Boards)
Hard for you to see here, but I can discern a 'Color' Difference between the Black Collar Tabs & the 'inner' Cording of his Shoulder Boards. (Should be a mid-dark 'Police' Brown color.) PLUS, it shows a very NICE shot of his M-43 (?) cap, with the proper cloth Police Eagle, worn by the TeNo-Police, of this time period.
(I 'pasted' Soldbuch page 2, onto the foto page, so that the date could be seen.)
His last Soldbuch entry is for May 4. 1945 at "Fest.-Laz. IV B Breslau." (Which I believe stands for the Hospital in Festung (Fortress City) Breslau.) This is a nice example which, by Soldbuch entries & Foto - 'shows' that the TeNo-Police Uniform was both issued & was worn, inside of the 'collapsing' Reich. ... Txs, Dave/dblmed
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12/06/2009 09:57 AM
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Respectful Remembrance of BERND OSTERMANN
I wish to pause for a moment of Silence & Prayer, for Doug and all of the family of our dear friend, BERND OSTERMANN, who unexpectedly passed away on Thanksgiving. This thread, and many others, are due to Bernd & his fervor and love of Collecting. He will be sorely missed. ...Dave/dblmed
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12/06/2009 09:58 AM
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(Posted for joetauchretter) - - Erich Hampe, Stellvertretender Chef der Technische Nothilfe
While looking through my collection of Draeger-hefte magazines I came across this picture of a TeNo man in uniform , I hope you like it ! The man's name is Erich Hampe and there is a half page story that goes with this picture , if you like I can e-mail you the entire page . Due to the size limitations of this web site you cannot read it very well when I shrink it down to allowed size .
Best Regards , Joe
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12/06/2009 10:01 AM
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Erich Hampe, Stellv. Chef der Technische Nothilfe-2
Thanks JOE (!) This is absolutely a Wonderful foto of Erich Hampe, from your collection of the Draeger-Helfte!
Hampe was among the 'original' core of men who formed the original TeNo � TN, in 1919 (along with the founder, Otto Lumitzsch.) Hampe was the founder of, and editor, of "DIE R�DER" � the 2 x / month Zeitschrift (Magazine) of the TeNo.
Erich Hampe was a singularly important member of the Technische Nothilfe leadership! He was the long-term #2 man in the TN (Stellvertretender Chef der TN), serving under Lummitzsch, until mid 1934 (when Lummitzsch was forced to resign, because of the NSDAP 'racial laws' - as his wife was � Jewish), and then Hampe served under Hans Weinreich (SS Gruppenf�hrer & Chef der TN), until May, 20 1941.
Hampe's connection with Draeger (a Gas Mask & Rescue Equipment Maker), may have come from Hampe's well received early book "Der Mensch und die Gase, Einf�hrung in die Gaskunde und Anleitung zum Gasschutz," (Humans / Men and the gases, introduction to the gas client and guidance to the gas protection) (i.e. dangers of a Gas War!) � published in 1932 & distributed to all TeNo units. (The SHD and the later Luftschutz / Luftschutz Polizei, would also use Hampe's booklet as a reference.)
What is quite exceptional about Joe's foto of Erich Hampe, is that the foto was taken of Hampe wearing the TN Uniform of the pre-1936 TeNo ranking changes! The 1936 change resulted in the wearing of two (2) shoulder boards, of a different construction, than the prior one (1) shoulder board! [Page 439 of "Police, Vol. 2" shows a foto of Hampe wearing the 2 shoulder boards.] Even though the Draeger article was published in 1940, the foto which they used was of the pre-1936 TN Uniform ranking changes. Nice!
Also, Joe's foto gives us a really good view of the Collar Patches / Collar Tabs, which were worn by only 2 TN Officers � Chef und Stellv. Chef der TN! These are some quite ultra-rare insignia, with Gold color COG & details (even including the piping) & having 12 laurel leaf designs. (One can not help but wonder where ANY of these very few examples might be today?) �Txs JOE! �Dave/dblmed
ATTACHMENT: TN-Rank-Tab for Chef und Stellv. Chef der Technische Nothilfe - Pre Dec 1, 1936
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12/06/2009 10:03 AM
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Erich Hampe, Stellv. Chef der Technische Nothilfe-3
Erich Hampe was known as an innovative thinker throughout his career. He is credited with developing the concept of the TeNo 'mobile response' units � Bereischaftdienst Mot., using specially designed vehicles for the purpose.
It has been reported that Hampe led the TN Einsatzgruppen in the Western campaigns of 1940 (& believe this to be correct, although I don't have the documented 'proof' of it � Yet!) The extreme value of the wide ranges of technical services performed by the TN Einsatzgruppen / Einsatztruppen was recognized by the OKH, as the TN units freed up duties normally performed by the Army Pioneers. The OKH set about incorporating whole TN Einsatzgruppen into Heer units, in mid 1941, & named as the Technischen Truppen. (Additionally, a number of TN Units were taken into the Polizei at about the same time & performed similar purposes. The LUFT had previously taken in a number of TN men, for technical services, and they would expand this use of TN units, after Barbarossa.)
The TeNo-to-HEER transition was recognized by a special TN patch, authorization in Jan, 1942, for wear by former TN Members, & to be worn on the right shoulder of the Heer uniform. (No special designation for the TeNo-to-LUFT transition has been identified.) [see "Pol., Vol. 2" page 578 for the TeNo-to-HEER patch.]
Based upon the above, it is not surprising at all - that the HEER chose Erich Hampe to lead the TeNo-in-HEER units, as the General Die Technischen Truppen, a post which he held until the end of the war. Little is still known about all of the uses & actions of the Technischen Truppen, except that they were almost 'everywhere' that the Heer was found � including even inside of the Reich, & including work in Dresden in February, 1945.
After WWII, the now retired General Erich Hampe wrote the book, "Die unbekannte Armee : d. Techn. Truppen im 2. Weltkrieg" (The "Unknown Army:" The Technical Troops in WWII.) � Dave/dblmed
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12/06/2009 10:04 AM
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Erich Hampe, Stellv. Chef der Technische Nothilfe-4
Erich Hampe's long service career did not end with WWII. He was not allowed to remain in a quiet retirement for very long.
He was designated by the new W. German Bundesrepublik, to become the first President of the Federal Agency for Civilian Air Defense (Pr�sidenten d. Bundesanst. f�r Zivilen Luftschutz), during the early part of the Cold War years. Hampe brought forward the hard lessons which had been learned in WWII, into the new era for W. Germany's preparedness.
For his outstanding post war services, Erich Hampe was awarded the Grand Cross (grossen Verienstkreuzes) of the Bundesrepublik by Bundesminister Dr. Schroeder, one of the highest honors. Erich Hampe passed away in 1978. � Dave/dblmed
Attachment: Hampe's GRAND Cross + Dr. Schroeder - Foto
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12/06/2009 10:07 AM
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Erich Hampe, Stellv. Chef der Technische Nothilfe-5
(Posted for joetauchretter)
More about Erich Hampe . This is a magazine called DIE WOCHE , hefte 11 , March 14 1931 .
You got to love the German Luftschutz graphic art works ! There was a Great FEAR, by the German population of the use of GAS, in any future war. ......Best Regards , Joe
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12/06/2009 10:08 AM
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Erich Hampe, Stellv. Chef der Technische Nothilfe-6
Thanks JOE (!) ... More Great Info!
Your collection of Luftschutz related magazines is simply Amazing! The cover of DIE WOCHE , hefte 11 , March 14 1931, certainly graphically points out the fears that the German population had, of potential dangers of future 'Gas Warfare' .
(& we need to remember that this was in 1931, when Erich Hampe was stressing future preparedness, via the TeNo - The TN was the primary Organization, which taught about & used Gas Masks - & functioned in a combination Civil Defense & a Paramedic role. The TeNo was trained & equipped to respond to any type of Katastrophe / Catastrophe.)
Below are 2 Postcards by the Artist, Dobrich-Steglitz, who did many series for the TeNo & which were published by the TeNo HQ in Berlin. These PC's picture the TN Bereitschaftdienst men, responding to Emergencies (& wearing Gas Masks.)
The upper left PC is 'probably' pre-1936, but I am unable to reliably date it. The lower PC is 'pre-1936' - as the TN Men & TN Officer, are wearing the TN 'Sleeve Diamond' - which was changed to the familiar TN Eagle Triangle patch, as a result of the 1936 ranking & insignia changes. (However, TN men continued this type of work / responding - until the end of WWII.)
JOE, as a knowledgeable Luftschutz / Draeger collector, you may be able to tell us more about the Types of Gas Masks used by the TeNo men, in each of the 2 Postcards? ... Best, Dave/dblmed
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12/06/2009 10:17 AM
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(Posted for joetauchretter)
Very nice post cards ! The rebreather device worn on the men in the post card are Deaga/Auer - Audos MR1 . The Audos MR1 looks very similar to the Draeger made Heeresatmer device .
The post card is a painting and not a photograph so the gas mask looks more like a general shape and design gasmask . In my opinion the gas mask looks like the gasmaske 200 or gasmaske 747 , both were widely used during the time frame of this post card. ...Best Regards , Joe
Thanks JOE !
From Joe's collection of DRAEGER-Helft, (Sept. - Oct. 1937) Joe found these nice fotos of TN men, in training.
* They are doing hard work (Marching!) while wearing the Gas Masks (in the Upper Foto) - & * Marching While wearing Draeger Rebreathing "Back Pack' Units (in the Lower Left Foto.)
Lower Right Foto - is of ERICH HAMPE, Stellv. Chef der TN, reviewing the training exercises at the TN Reichsschule - Belzig. He is pictured with Major des Generalstabs im RLM Polcher, and TN Landesf�hrer z. V. Siebert.
Great Fotos & Information! Thanks JOE! ... Dave/dblmed
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12/06/2009 10:19 AM
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TN.-Oberscharf�hrer Shoulder Boards
(Posted for CAMONUT) - Show are 2 very nice examples of the TN Ranking (1 Dec. 1936 - 1 April 1940) for a TN.-Oberscharf�hrer.
The shown examples have the 'Integral' Yellow Loop Tresse, which was sewn into place at the time that the Shoulder Boards were made. (This is confirmed by finding no Tresse exposed on the Reverse.) There are other examples in which the Yellow Loop is just slipped onto the Shoulder Board & either hand, or machine, sewn into place. The slip on types are believed to be for 'field upgrades' / promotions, from the existing rank of TN.-Scharf�hrer.
This style TN Shoulder Board also varies in length, depending upon the manufacturer. It is not unusual to find 2 different length Shoulder Boards on the same TN Uniform.
The slight 'Yellow / Goldene" Loop / Tresse coloration differences are shown nicely on these 2 boards. This is felt to be secondary to sunlight exposure & to different manufacturers.
Super TeNo � TN Insignia Examples! Thanks for Sharing Them...Dave/dblmed
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01/02/2010 07:40 AM
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Helo, recently aquired teno straps out of the woodwork. I have worked my way thru this fine thread but cant referance these straps any further. All assistance greatly appreciated. Best, Bill Bourque
01/02/2010 07:41 AM
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01/02/2010 01:23 PM
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These are NOT TeNo, but DAF
01/02/2010 06:23 PM
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Hello, thanks. No wonder I couldnt find anything here. Best,Bill
01/03/2010 12:54 AM
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Thanks Ron! Yes that DAF 'canted' Swastika placed inside of a Cog-Wheel does look a lot like the TeNo insignia, at a 1st quick Glance. Txs,
hs132 - keep looking for TeNo items & then adding them to the Thread, as you make some 'finds!" ... Dave/dblmed
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02/14/2010 10:14 PM
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just got this collar set and the rank side is missing the cog wheel insignia. Was this war removed or just missing ? If just missing does anyone have one cheap
02/18/2010 10:01 AM
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I know that you've been on the 'hunt' for a matched TeNo collar tab set for quite a while! Very nice set - the wait was worth it.
Your RANK Tab shows a halo from where the COG once was attached. This is perfectly fine & fits in with a collar tab set, dated mid 1943 until the end of the war. So, you really don't need to add the COG back, unless you want to do it.
From photo evidence, it is apparent that the vast majority of TeNo Officers & men Discontinued (i.e. Removed) the COG from their RANK Tab, starting in mid-late 1943 (for a yet unknown reason.)
[My 'belief' is that this was done in order to try to look more like the June 1, 1943 'new regulations.' These Regs. called for the "SS-Like" Collar Tabs, on both collars. BUT, TeNo supply never caught up with the demand for these 'new' Tabs. No proof yet, that the COG removal was the Official edict, but I 'believe' that it had to be, based upon the widespread practice.]
BELOW - The attached December, 1943 foto (from a nice TN album) clearly shows No COGS in wear by the 2 Officers (in Rt. front) - or - the TN-Mann at the top of the steps.
Another interesting observation is that one TN Officer is wearing the field-grey uniform with double Rank Tabs (No COG's) - & the second TN Officer is wearing the TN 'classic' dunkelblau uniform (No COG's). So we see 2 TN uniform types in wear in Hamburg in 1943. ...IMO, they 'just discarded' the COGS which now rest in some dusty drawer of memorabilia in Germany.
PAUL - can you post the Reverse of your neat tabs? It's fun to see the variations of the types of connectors. ...Txs, Dave/dblmed
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02/20/2010 04:29 AM
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outstanding info as I thought this may be true and in picture even better. I did obtain a cog wheel off a mothed single I have so have restored this one. Here are the pics you requested Dave
02/20/2010 04:31 AM
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02/20/2010 05:04 AM
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WHILE ON A ROLL here is a rare survivor the size of a quarter this paper seal was used to seal official mail and documents. I do not think there are many of these around enjoy
02/20/2010 10:14 AM
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Thanks Paul...
You restored your nice TeNo Rank tab nicely, with the addition of the COG device! Super set of collar tabs.
Seeing the Reverse is always interesting, as different types of connectors were used to affix the various devices. Nice!
CONGRATS! on the Super TeNo Reichsf�hrung SEAL(!) That's the 1st one of this TN Seal type that I've ever seen. The TeNo Reichsf�hrung was the HQ of the organization. The TN-in-Cog LOGO was Officially introduced in 1934 (although there are some 1933 dated fotos of it in wear! Go figure?) So, your TeNo Reichsf�hrung Seal would have been in use from 1934-1937? (approx.) Paul's Seal is on the LEFT.
After that time, the TeNo Reichsf�rung "HQ" nomenclature was changed to RATN - Reichsamt Technische Nothilfe (within the HAOP - Hauptamt Ordungspolizei - the ORPO). Seal in the MIDDLE.
Another neat TeNo Seal is the "20 Jahre" Seal, which commemorates the 20th Anniversary of the founding of the TeNo - in 1939. Seal on the RIGHT.
NONE of these TN Seals are commonly found. I located my 2 Seals from different 'obscure' European Stamp Dealers, over a long time in looking for them.
Way to go Paul (!) ... Txs, Dave/dblmed
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02/20/2010 09:40 PM
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THANKS Dave once again your info and pics make the subject more interesting and for me informative
02/21/2010 02:13 PM
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Good to see one thread has stayed alive here, excellent work! This thread is basically a reference on the TeNo on it's own, make sure you save this information personally as it would be a shame to loose it!
04/24/2010 05:08 AM
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TeNo / TN Ortsf�hrer Car Pennant Banner
I just received this nice TeNo / TN car pennant banner, for the rank of Ortsf�hrer. [It would have been attached to a mini-flag pole, mounted to the left front fender of his official vehicle. A TN �open Eagle� finial (topper) was attached to the top of the mini-pole. The TN banners & pennants were made such that the Eagle�s head faced the attaching pole.] I am really very pleased with the banner. Sources tell us that there were an estimated 2,500 TN Ortsgruppen during the TR. So there were a number of these car banners around at one time. This is the only complete TeNo car pennant banner [rectangular shaped] that I've come across. I�m sure that there must be other examples out there in collections. �
Below is how Bill Shea [The Ruptured Duck] describes it:
�� RARE TeNo High Ranking Official's Fender Pennant... one of a kind offering. This pennant is rectangular rather than the usual triangle shape. This would indicate a higher ranking official. It measures approximately 8.75" x 12" and is made of a deep royal blue vertically ribbed fabric. Then woven directly onto the fabric surface is the silver flat wire machine applied TeNo eagle. This very distinctive insignia is repeated on the back. There is a silver bullion border that is about 3/16" wide and is inset from the edge by approximately 1/2". This is all sewn over a steel framework which has adjustable attachments for slipping over the pole from the fender of the car. Condition wise, it is overall Very Good. There are some visible stains on both sides (see pictures). There is also one small hole (the actual hole is pin size but the damage to the surface is closer to that of a small thumb tack). But taking into consideration the scarcity of the piece, the condition is readily acceptable. I would consider this to be 10 times rarer than an SS fender pennant. ��
Txs, � Dave / dblmed
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04/24/2010 05:09 AM
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TeNo / TN Ortsf�hrer Car Pennant Banner - 2
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04/24/2010 05:10 AM
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TeNo / TN Ortsf�hrer Car Pennant Banner - 3
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04/24/2010 05:11 AM
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TeNo / TN Ortsf�hrer Car Pennant Banner - 4
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04/24/2010 05:52 AM
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wow!,,  super rare car flag,,,very nice,,,
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