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So many beautiful items shown in this thread!
I was at OVMS Roberts show this weekend and Tom Wittman had this beauty on his table!
I snapped a pic for you! Not sure of period!
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Tristan, it is an absolute pleasure to see your Allach equine. Certainly a dream acquisition for me. You must be extremely pleased to add it to your fine collection. Congratulations!
I will join the chorus and reiterate how many wonderful things can be seen in this thread, and how much I appreciate board members sharing not only from their own collections, but also from things seen in their real world and internet travels.
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Thanks for your kind comments! The Standing Horse piece is not often seen, and in fact there was a badly damaged coloured one on Ebay recently that went for, what seemed to me to be, an inordinately large amount of money!! However,I wish the buyer well with it and hope he can have it restored.
PVON...I think that Shepherd Dog is a Karner from his Nymphenburg days...Model No. 398?
Last edited by Tristan; 06/25/2014 01:34 PM.
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Might be smaller than the others but of all the horses I like this one the best,it's simple design just adds to it's elegance in my opinion.
Lovely piece
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Baz...I agree! I've managedto pick up an original catalogue of the 1938 Munich Art Exhibition, and from it here are the advertisements for the three main porcelain manufactrers...Allach, Rosenthal and Nymphenburg.
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Further to my previous post I managed to pick up a porcelain figure of the Bamberger Reiter, the head of whom is shown in the Rosenthal advertisement. The figure is not Rosenthal, however, but is by Aelteste Volkstedter. The logo on the base looks like the post-1945 emblem. He is 48 cm tall and very imposing, and looks to be unrestored. There seems to be some debate as to who he actually is, possibly Henry II, but the original statue dates from the middle of the 13th century and can be found in Bamberg Cathedral. The final image is of Henry I who was one of Himmler's idols, and one can see the likeness with the Bamberger.
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Tristan, Thanks for all your latest additions to the thread! The period advertisements are always something special to see and most enjoyable. Hopefully we can add some more from different sources in future. I'll keep an eye open for them ... Your Bamberger Reiter is certainly a fine, most impressive catch. These larger pieces add so much to one's collecting room and easily capture the eye. I'll bet you were on "pins and needles" while this one was in transit, that's a lot of sculpture there. Aelteste Volkstedt is another manufacturer that has lots of excellent pieces to offer, they've been around for a long, long time. There's no doubt that the true identity of the Reiter has been open to many interpretations, theories and explanations. Personally I'm very comfortable terming it an allgorical subject, there's no doubt it's a wonderful figure, especially the one you've been so kind as to post for our enjoyment. Always a pleasure good sir. Best regards! Bill
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Thank you. I have also picked up a large coloured eagle so I'll get that posted soon, and hopefully some other members will have items to show!
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This is the coloured version of the ENS Eagle by 'AB20' (Anton Bushelberger, 1920?. 45cm in hight,it is beautifully coloured, especially around the eyes!
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Old Friends and Fellow Collectors,
To add to Tristan's previous post of Allach German shepherds, here are some photos that show the fine details of these wonderful K�rner canines. I recently had the pleasure to inspect and photograph one of the large models that belongs to an old friend.
There's also another rare, large model of a shepherd by the professor that I was unaware of, by Eschenbach. Due to arrive this coming week, I'll share that one as time permits.
To those heading off to the MAX Show in a couple of weeks I wish you all the best of luck finding some great additions for your collections.
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Stunning clarity, Bill, in those photos!
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Tristan, Love the colored eagle and the detail to the talons are amazing. Bill, That's one nice puppy dog. I'm amazed at the detail, tongue especially.
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Tristan, Looks like we were of like minds with our Saturday morning posts ...  That is one fine looking eagle, very nice! Beautiful details to the head, downright exceptional. Glad you and Mikee enjoyed the additional snaps of the large Allach shepherd. It has to be one of the most outstanding canine porcelain sculptures that money can buy. Here are a few shots of the Eschenbach example that I just added to my collection. Hope you'll enjoy this one too.  Best! Bill
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Checking in and catching up. Tristan, that Bamberger Reiter is exquisite. I know that Alka Kunst/Kaiser also made a similar piece, though in a significantly smaller scale than your epic-sized version. Also, your colored ENS eagle is an extremely handsome piece. Very well done, and congratulations! Bill, that Eschenbach Alsatian is a splendid work of art. Just magnificent colors and sculptural details. A great addition to your already impressive collection. Thanks for continuing to share your treasures, gents!  T.
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And while I'm here I'll just share this ceramic equine I recently acquired. Produced by Wien Keramos of Austria, likely around the 1930s-1940s. Not the greatest detail, and not a company I usually collect, but I found the leaping pose to be particularly appealing. It is also a rarer piece and not often seen, particularly in this coloration. Probably sculpted by Rudolf Chocholka, who began work at Wien Keramos in 1940 and sculpted many of company's horse figures. Not an Allach or other top-flight piece, but I'm happy to add him to my fragile herd, nonetheless.    T.
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Tiberius, Glad to see you're staying busy with the hobby, appreciate you sharing your latest find with us. It's not often we get to see a horse sculpture that has all the animal's hooves off the ground like your latest example. A very nice pose indeed, by this well known artist. Hope all is well at work, how's that going? Thanks to everyone for sharing their latest additions.  Best! Bill
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Great images, guys! I clearly need to buy a better camera, or at least get one of these new-fangled mobile phone/camera thingamyjigs!
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Awfully quiet in here, gents. Just stopping by on this day of feasting and family to belatedly post photos of a piece I acquired a month or two ago. Here we have a handsome trotting horse sculpted by Carl Werner and produced by Hutschenreuther of Germany. The factory mark dates its production to between 1925 - 1939. This horse is a long-sought addition to my collection, and I am very happy to finally have it.   Wishing you all the best during this holiday season! T.
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Happy Thanksgiving, Tiberius and all my fellow collectors. A lovely high-steping dappled horse for your collection...how many does that now add up to? Things are quiet here...I have bid for a few items but been unsuccessful, but keeping my eyes open!
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Hope you spent an enjoyable holiday with your family and thanks for taking time to share your latest find with us.
The name Carl Werner is easily recognizable as one of Hutschenreuther's top sculptors. Werner also served as technical director of the Porzellanfabrik Lorenz Kunstabteilung from 1922 -1960. His sculpting abilities covered a wide range of subject matter, though, he is most noted for his studies of the human figure in motion.
This is a beautiful horse study for your collection. At once the animal conveys great strength and elegance in its movement. I'm truly impressed with the painting too, those subtle markings at the top of the legs and on the cheeks really complement the sculpture. Often these markings are harsh and overdone. There's something about the placement of the lower jaw that makes Werner's horses so distinct. There's another large Werner sculpture of two horses side by side in full gallop that share this similar facial trait.
You made a very good choice adding this outstanding model to your porcelain collection.
Tristan - we'll keep our fingers crossed for you ... can't wait to see what you'll turn up next.
Best regards!
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T, My bad ... I was thinking of Max Fritz' horse pair. They seem to share the same facial characteristic, though, a bit more elongated. Just wanted to correct my statement above. B~
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Well, gents, your prodding of the thread has brought me a result! Just received confirmation of an accepted bid for a mounted figure of Prinz Eugen...get back to you in a couple of weeks!
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Tristan, I think Tiberius' post brought us both some good luck, I finally found a nice Bamberger Reiter on horseback for a very fair price. Three horses in a row ...  Thanks Tiberius! B~
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Bamberger Reiter by Kaiser Porzellan.
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Posted for Mark -
"Here is some of my Allach in new lighted display cases."
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I received a beautiful Bugeling Elk this evening from another member. It is the painted Rosenthal version. I was fortunate to have the white Allach version. I will post them together soon. The painted one was on eBay and it was a great find. The larger animal figures are not often found undamaged.
Last edited by kingtiger; 12/06/2014 05:14 AM.
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That's one awesome display! Don't think I've seen anything that comes close or better! Can't wait to see it,love the painted version!
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The new Bugling Elk came from Tim Gustafson. He and I have done a fair amount of trading over the years. A good and trusted friend. I am having a difficult time shrinking pictures to post them. I used to have it down pat, but I think I forgot how to do it easily. Soon though!
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I like it and what a superb specimen,congrats on finding it!
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Mikee, Thanks ...  Mark - good to see you back on the forum, welcome. If you need help with your photos send them to me and I'll post them, no problem. I've got some questions and comments on your latest post but I've got to run, be back later. Best! B~
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OK Bill, I sent s couple of pics of the Rosenthal Elk to Vern so he could post them for me.
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Two more for Mark 
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The thread has certainly come alive again! Wonderful additions, all.
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A very regal bellowing Hirsch by Fritz Heidenreich, it will make for a fine addition to your porcelain collection. An outstanding job of painting the figure, very life-like, all crowned by that massive rack of horns in perfect condition. Very nice, congratulations!
In your previous photo there's an eagle in the third cabinet from the left, can you tell us a little more about that piece? Great job of storing and displaying your wonderful collection.
Best regards!
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Ah, the eagle! I found it in an antique store marked down from $15.00 to $7.50. It has no maker marks at all but it certainly looks like a Whermacht eagle to me. For that price, I took it home and cleaned it in Dawn and hot water and it absolutely gleams. I wish I knew who made it, when and why. I just looked at it very closely and noticed that it does have some words on the rear base of the eagle, but it looks like the words have been obscured and are difficult to make out. The words are in the style of the artist name on the Allach and Rosenthal I have. Do you have any idea's on it? The base is separate from the eagle and there may have been, at one time, a middle piece.
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Mark, I love that stag, that painting is what brings it alive.
If you can get us some closeup pictures of the eagle we might be able to help. Thanks
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I sent the pics to Bill...hopefully he will post them soon. They came out really nice and you can see the inscription on the reverse. Something was in the middle between the eagle and the base, that much is clearly evident. Now, I too am very curious.
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