Welcome to GermanDaggers.Com, or GDC as we call ourselves. You will find not only forums for discussing German daggers, but other forums for the edged weapons of other countries, various types of German uniforms, and a good selection of other militaria subjects.

If you are unsure where to post a request for information, go to this page and pick what you think is the best fit.

You can upload pictures for free on GDC, but they must be 110KB or less. You can attach one picture per post; so if you have multiple pictures, post them in successive replies. Please do NOT use links to photo hosting sites as the links go bad after a while. It is a bit more work to load them individually, but they can be seen for a long while.

You may modify whatever you have typed in a post for 45 minutes after you post it. After that amount of time, only Moderators or Administrators may modify posts.

Please take a minute to read our Code of Conduct. Essentially, we ask our members to be polite and honest with one another and to avoid modern politics and adult humor, but you should read the entire thing. You can find it here:

You will find a “For Sale” Forum where you see what items our Premium Members are selling as well as a “Wanted” Forum where they announce what they are wishing to buy. If you wish to sell an item in the “For Sale” Forum or post your needs in a “Wanted” ad, you will have to buy a Premium Membership for $32.95 per year. You can use the link below to sign up or use Paypal to send $32.95 to vern@germandaggers.com

As you look at various topics you will see that next to most of our member’s names that there are leaves and some badges. These denote the number of posts they have made as well as services they have rendered to GDC. Here is a link to that explains them:

If you are a veteran of any country’s armed forces, you will qualify right away for a Veteran’s badge. sign up on this thread: http://daggers.infopop.cc/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/217096573/m/9290074434/p/7

Questions or suggestions ? send them to the Admin Dave@germandaggers.com or to Owner Vern@germandaggers.com

Again, Welcome.