Hello, it's great to be here and I was wondering if anyone can translate this English paragraph into German, hopefully by Monday or sooner. Thank you so much!

"Our dream house consists of a big decoy house that leads to our real house. First you must enter a black sewer gate from the big decoy house into the catacombs. After adventuring through the catacombs you will reach the complicated "Labyrinth". Upon entering "The Labyrinth" you encounter an intricate layout with dead ends and long walls that move without notice. You have to find the antidote and then wait for "The Maze"(Irrgarten) to open. "The Maze", which in actuality is a simple straight line, is half of a mile long, consisting of confusing mirrors in every direction and oddly shaped stairs that go up and down. Approximately five minutes through "The Maze" a hallucinogenic vapor creeps out of vents and unless you have the curing antidote, (wirst du hier eine lange weile bleiben werden). Finally, if by an amazing chance you make it through the maze, you will reach a dark suburb filled with robot houses based in the 1950's, and down the road is our dream house which collapses under the realization that you never left "The Maze"."

I know this is very long but I would be so appreciative if someone could translate this.
Once again, thank you!