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Any body has a list of the makers that made Land and Water Customs Daggers? Thanks
The only Land and Sea Customs makers I'm aware of are Eickhorn, Alcoso, Hoerster, WKC, Siegfried and Hoeller. Clemen & Jung made Sea Customs daggers. Then there was always your friendly 'no maker' who made some of both.
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I have a Krebbs Land Customs . Tiep
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I was thinking WKC was a Sea Custom Officer maker to ? T.
Tiep: Your Krebs is a parts dagger or a fake. There should only be one screw holding each of the scabbard fittings.
T E: Thats what I'm saying.
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KREBS did several "odd" things with daggers DURING THE PERIOD (!). So e.g. they used leather washers on RAD leader daggers and sometimes (perhaps always but they might have been gone to time or removed because not beeing "textbook"???) also on SSdaggers. You have never to say never when it comes to III.R. daggers. So why KREBS should not use two screws on their scabbards? I think this dagger was discussed before and there could be seen no red flags overall. I have seen two or three other LC daggers by KREBS and all had this two screws configuration on the top and bottom fitting. IMO and due my experiences just a variant of this special manufacturer. LC daggers of this manufacturer are quite rare. So you might have not seen any of them up to now. Personally I would be very, very careful with such sharpshooting "fake" statements. I am not aware of ANY collector who has "seen all". Such imprudent and WRONG statments can harm the reputation of a nice original, period and rare dagger and those unexperienced collectors might take them for true and learn the wrong is right. I remember a totally wrong, unexperienced and ridiculous statement that only M7/66 marked NSKKchained daggers would be period. From that moment on this senseless and wrong rumour pops up now and then and cannot be removed any more from the brains of unexperienced collectors. BTW. I do not own a KREBS LC dagger (but I would like to own a nice conditioned one) so I have no personal interests in this discussion .
wotan, gd.c-b#105
"Never look for sqare eggs" as a late owner of an original FHH-dagger used to say.
Wotan: My observations were not based on any rumors but on several textbooks that deal with recognizing fakes. And having the srews on both sides on Customs daggers has been a point of recognition. None have ever mentioned that Krebs would be an exception. I also have a reprint of a prewar Krebs catalog which does not contain any Customs daggers. Not long ago someone asked my advise regarding the purchase of an LC dagger with screws on both sides and I advised against it. But if you have references to your contentions regarding Krebs don't hold back showing us. I certainly would be interested to know.
Regarding quick 'imprudent' judgments, I believe that tiep should be able to take it since he has been dishing them out on many occasions.
Wotan: I agree on your NSKK reference. There is no official reference confirming that rumor. In addition, looking through the TW sales catalogs, there were many M36 NSKK daggers sold that were not made by Eickhorn. There are many socalled field upgdrades where the blades show a large variety of makers.
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Wow, This dagger ,Krebbs Land Customs came from Lakeside Trader, Paul Hogle. He said this thing was inspected by Tom Whittman and is supposed to be a one of a kind. So what your saying is Pauls selling fakes.This dagger originated here on GD and look in the previous threads,its got a lot of responses and is and was confirmed , as far as I thought a real deal from the good ole boys of GD. So now , is this fake or not. As far as my jumping the gun on some daggers in previous threads, mvogel, your right and I can take critisism I have learned to just not respond to those any more unless I truly think a dags fake, like the HJ Leaders that was just brought up.If this LC is bull I will get Paul to send my cash back , he did say T W said its a one of a kind. Your responses please...Tiep
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Check out the above by Mike Barnette
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mvogel, I do not have period references concerning this certain dagger. What I have written based on my personal experiences of having seen as said two or three other KREBS Land custom dagger and all these had this configuration. As the dagger of tiep (what we can see from it) and the others I have seen were overall of totally period configuration I dare to assume that this was the way KREBS has produced these daggers. lso the screws I could examine on the daggers I have had in hands were conforming to those on other legit KREBS daggers. I am sorry for my perhaps harsh sounding words in my first statement but a dagger easily is talked bad although beeing good. Imo and also due to my experiences there are also a lot of other manufacturers beside EICKHORN that produced the NSKKchained daggers with their chain and did NOT "field upgrade" them.
wotan, gd.c-b#105
"Never look for sqare eggs" as a late owner of an original FHH-dagger used to say.
Maybe it is a good thing that the subject came up as it did. The question now is, how can this revelation be made available to the collecting community. I, personally, missed the original posting from Nov. of 2004 and was not aware of this exception.
Regarding the M36 NSKK dagger/scabbard rigs, yes, there were makers other than Eickhorn who made them. However, the M36 Marine NSKK dagger/scabbard rig (with the quartergold plating) was solely produced by Eickhorn. And I believe this is what fuelled the confusion.
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mvogel, now I am 100% with you.
wotan, gd.c-b#105
"Never look for sqare eggs" as a late owner of an original FHH-dagger used to say.
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