Hello All,
My main interest is in early unit marked German bayonets,and I have several pieces regimentally marked to the
Badisches Leib-Grenadier Regiment Nr 109.

I was quite interested when I came across a very nice faschinenmesser clearly marked to the same regiment recently.I added this item to my collection without delay of course,although it's the only piece I've yet acquired that
comes into the short sword type category.

Apart from the 109R marked crossguard,it's stamped S&K on one blade flat and on the underside of the crossguard.
These are the makers mark of Schnitzler & Kirschbaum,I think? The other blade flat is stamped 1841,I can't find any
reference to an 1841 issue of these pieces,so I'm guessing it's not a pattern date?

I've read somewhere that these were issued as a sidearm to infantrymen armed with the 1841 Dreyse needle rifle,
does this explain the 1841 on the blade,I wonder? The blade has also been chromed,this, I'm thinking must be a later
addition, although I can't remember when chrome plating came in,if indeed I ever knew!!!

No pictures, I'm afraid,a suitable camera is on the top of the Xmas prezzie wish list, however. Chris.