Oke, this should be in the "for sale' list but I doubt if you guys ever come there and since this is a MUST for every SA collector/researcher I take the chance of telling you about it here.
Just cleaned out my room and ( didn't know I still had it) came across 100 A4-copies of a document made up by (British) intelligence about the SA.
It contains ALL numbers, adresses, leaders etc. of the SA standarten ( as far as known at that time)
So, for example :
Sa Foot Regiment 13
Based in Munster, Erphossstrasse 3 (Res 13, Munster Steunfirterstr.43 )
Component of Gruppe Westfalen
I/13 Munster, Dompl.13
II/13 Munster, Steinfurtenstr. 43
III/13 Ibbenburen, Munster
IV/13 Breitegasse 26, Munster
I/Res, Urbanstrasse 11, Munster
Cmdr : OBST Lemhaus or SBF Kruse

And this goes on for 100 pages !

Want a copy ? I'll make one for $50 ex shipment
Just mail me at [email protected]