Posted By: Eric Queen Introductions - 04/24/2006 01:59 PM
As kind of an ice breaker, I thought it might be a good idea to start a thread that would allow people to introduce themselves a little bit. Perhaps just some simple facts like, your name, how long you have been collecting and what your main areas of interest are in regard to paratrooper history and/or collecting.

I will start things off. I have been collecting militaria for 30+ years, but starting to seriously focus on paratrooper material in 1988. My main areas of interest are the history and paper artifacts relating to the Fallschirm Infanterie (the German ARMY Paratroopers), and "Zug Witzig" (Sturmgruppe Granit who took the Belgian Fortress of EBEN EMAEL on May 10, 1940)

Looking forward to meeting more of you.


Posted By: Juerg Re: Introductions - 04/24/2006 05:23 PM
Hi all

well my name is Juerg, I am swiss and Eric told me about this new forum. I am into german militaria from 1994 and focused on german Fallschimrjaeger in 2000 and especially for the history of FJR 15. My main areas are the award documents anf photos of german Fallschirmjaegers. I hope to contribute as much as I can.

See you guys

Posted By: Eric Queen Re: Introductions - 04/24/2006 05:29 PM
Thanks Juerg, and welcome. Good to have you here.
Posted By: Niedersachsen Re: Introductions - 04/24/2006 07:21 PM
Looks like, that all the Old Europe guys are around here as well.

A highly recommended moderator-team (Eric&Chris) + most of the fellow collectors....that should be open the door for some interesting threads.

As we all know each other (so far), only a short HELLO!

I�m 45 (still), located in Germany, since 1982 in the TR stuff (with a 10 year break).
First related in civil service and steel helmets. The para virus got me a few years ago. Was hard to change to hobby area complete, but I�m on the way.

Let�s look foward this new section on GDF.
I�ll do my best to support this forum.
Posted By: �scar Re: Introductions - 04/24/2006 09:37 PM
Hi everyone! First of all, thanks to Eric for showing me the forum. I�m Spanish ("only" 36 years old...)and went into the "Fallschirmj�ger world" through my job, I mean, I teach History at a High School. This virus "caught" me 6 years ago. I try to deal with the first steps of the Fallschirmtruppe, mainly Norway, Albert Kanal. I�m glad to learn from all of you and to share my knowledge and opinions... I strongly believe that the historians "community", so to speak, is one of the best tools for increasing the knowledge.
Best regards and nice to see you here!
Posted By: Yannis Re: Introductions - 04/24/2006 09:40 PM
Hello everyove

I'm Yannis, 39, from Greece.
Eric told me about the new forum so..here I am!

I've only started collecting since 2004 and stricktly Fj. Within this field I have not focused on a particular area as I find all of them most intriguing, each one for different reasons.
It's good to see familiar faces here!
I hope to help to the best of my abilities.

Posted By: mike peters Re: Introductions - 04/24/2006 11:48 PM
Christos a Nestee Yanni !!
(Happy Easter)
Posted By: spokeye Re: Introductions - 04/25/2006 10:58 AM
Giday everyone,

My name is Ian Tannahill. I have been collecting miliaria for almost thirty years.

My interest in the Fallschirmj�ger began when I read the book, "The Eagle Has Landed", by Jack Higgins, while still at school.

Over he last five years I have tened to collect items mostly relating to the men of Sturmabteilung Koch, including the glder pilots and crew of the aircraft that were used to tow the gliders. One day I would like to publish a book about these men, includng details of what happened to them after the capture of the fortress of Eben Emael and the bridges over the Albert Kanal.

I am looking forward to some insightful discussions about the Fallschirmj�ger.

Best wishes,

Posted By: cog-hammer Re: Introductions - 04/25/2006 03:23 PM
Eric, hello glad to see you back in the big chair again! As you know my collection is about as far from FJ as it can get but you are a welcome addition here. Keep up the good work my friend! Bret Van Sant
Posted By: Eric Queen Re: Introductions - 04/26/2006 02:03 PM
Thanks Bret, I appreciate the welcome. And thanks to everyone else for taking the time to do the introductions. I know most of you old "FJ Guys" know each other already, but I think many of those reading this forum do not.

Thanks again,

Posted By: cossakk Re: Introductions - 04/26/2006 09:36 PM
Content of post under administrative review
Posted By: Gonsalis Re: Introductions - 04/26/2006 09:45 PM
Content of post under administrative review
Posted By: derjager Re: Introductions - 04/26/2006 10:18 PM
Smile Greetings, my name is Joe. I am 53 years old and have collected for close to 40 years. How time flies. Roll Eyes
I also would like to welcome Mr. Eric Queen and Mr. Chris Mason along with this new forum. I anticipate much interesting subject material.

Posted By: Jimbob Re: Introductions - 04/27/2006 08:31 AM
Hi, I'm Jim Roberts. I'm 45. I have always enjoyed reading Eric Queen's informative posts and look forward to reading more here in this new forum.

Posted By: Bob Rodgers Re: Introductions - 06/04/2006 05:07 PM
I'm just getting to this new forum.
I noticed that the editing and deletion has already started....

Why was John ( cossakk ) Thompson postings edited?
Posted By: Dave Re: Introductions - 06/04/2006 05:37 PM

I asked that very question myself. Mr queen was not familiar with our protocol.

He has since resigned as a Moderator citing lack of interest or participation in the FJ Forum.

Posted By: Bob Rodgers Re: Introductions - 06/04/2006 05:58 PM

So who can we get to moderate it?

I think it's a great idea.
I learned something today about that part of collecting.

I would hate to see it go away.

Let's try to find someone who is willing to try and make it work
Posted By: Chris M Re: Introductions - 06/04/2006 11:01 PM
Well, um, as far as I know, I'm still the moderator of this Forum. Eric resigned, I didn't.
Posted By: Bob Rodgers Re: Introductions - 06/04/2006 11:08 PM
Sorry Chris.

I didn't even realize that it had two guys to start with.

I jumped the gun on this....
Posted By: Gaspare Re: Introductions - 06/05/2006 01:01 PM
Glad to see you still here Chris..I know you guys tried this a few times at other places. Its only been a couple months.For the amount of time there is a good amount of topics posted here..
Paras are elite groups, most of us don't have much regalia but we're interested in learning about them and seeing the real deal items..., G.
Posted By: Ed Martin Re: Introductions - 06/05/2006 03:34 PM
Gaspar said it.If you are not an FJ collector or a new collector to it we don't have to much of it.Elite groups are a mine field as you well know and any bit of info gathered is greatly appreiciated.Any time I see something posted here it get clicked open and thanks for staying with us Chris. Cool
Posted By: derjager Re: Introductions - 06/10/2006 05:20 PM
I do appreciate seeing the badges and the pictures and would happily participate if I had any thing to share. Other than an appreciative comment here and there I have nothing of interest in my collection, one lone cloth Luft. para. badge and you have all seen myriad examples of these.
How about a topic on ground assault badges?

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