How can I get the site to contact me via email of a response to a posting?

Also every time I leave the site and return to it I have to continually log in?

Any solutions?
Under "My Stuff", click "Watch Lists". Edit the list and add the forums or topics you want notification for when they are updated. Provided you have a valid email address in your profile, you should get an email when a new post is made.

To stay logged in to the forum, your browser must have Java, Javascript, and cookies enabled.
Thanks Vern, this helps greatly.

Johnny R.
Glad ti help wink
For some reason I cannot attach files from my desktop. When I select the attachment button I only get the "email address" window? Also how can I select the HTML to be enabled?

I got the file attachment down but the HTML code still continues to be disable. Could be because I'm viewing the forum site on an I iPad and not my regular Mac PowerBook.

Johnny R.
No, you are correct, we do not allow embedded HTML code in posts as that opens the site to all kinds of worms, trojans, and virus attacks. Too big a security risk wink
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