Just want to share some one
Thanks for looking

Attached picture L1100007.jpg
Attached picture L1100011.jpg
Attached picture L1100132.jpg
Attached picture L1100134.jpg
Hello, both hewers look ok, but I am not too keen about the lader hangers.
Is there any additional etching (like eg 3/37) beneath the trademark?

Hello, can you tell me what trademark exactly, I do not see any number.
I post some engraving on both hangers and more.

Attached picture RAD1.jpg
Attached picture RAD2.jpg
Attached picture RAD4.jpg
Attached picture RAD3.jpg
Hello,sorry for delay, this thread got out of my sight.
have meant the KREBS hewer. Sometimes (on very early ones) KREBS hewers had month and year etched beneath the trademark.
Leather and stitching of the leader hewer´s hangers do not conform to what is known from doubtless originals. Even when we are aware that especially RAD hangers (leader´s and later NCO´s and men´s) sometimes were made either from small cottage manufacturers these certain leader hangers shown here don´t also look lke these. Also the hardware (buckles, slides and clips) looks suspect to me.
On this book you can see the hanger for the leader dagger, that are close to mine.

Attached picture L1100230.jpg
Imho close but no cigar...

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