Posted By: Larry D. Swastika on the blade? - 08/17/2008 09:03 PM
Anyone ever see an HJ or possibly a DJ with a swastika on the blade?
I recently met an older gentleman with several WWII edged weapons that his dad brought back.
One of these is what appears to be an HJ with such a blade.
Any ideas?
I'm too new the dagger thing to have any manner of expertise.
Posted By: Ruski Re: Swastika on the blade? - 08/17/2008 09:24 PM
Larry, not something that one would 'normally' encounter on a blade, however anything is possible and an open mind needs to be taken. To get some opinions it would be necessary for you to show some good, clear pics of the whole knife including diamond, grips and rivets, maker mark, motto if any, and the additions to the blade.

Posted By: Houston Coates Re: Swastika on the blade? - 08/17/2008 11:49 PM
There were a few very early unofficial HJ style ones with swastika blades.
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