Posted By: militarymania Kriegsflagge,navy marked,,size 55 x 100 - 03/19/2014 07:42 PM
22 x 38 inches,,,did this size exist for original flags???,,thanks in advance,,Robert

Attached picture kf navt mkd.jpg
seems odd that the white thread on bunting is ultra white and sewn ON top of Adler/M, and rope looks modern
Might be a cut down redone Infamous Delta International( not all that difficult to do)
Thank you Mark,,,i thought it was bad based on the Eagle M marking but I am sure there other "red flags" about this item,,Robert

Attached picture km flag 1.jpg
Attached picture km flag 2.jpg
Attached picture km flag 3.jpg
Attached picture km flag 4.jpg
Attached picture km flag 5.jpg
Total crap flag .the 55x100 is a new fake out of East Europa fooling lots od want-a-bes over on WAF..lol
thanks again ofr the info mark...Robert
FYI what some jerk-offs are now doing is this...and I have done the same to see just what and how to do this.
The inked markings on these crap flags are easy to erase,and can be removed without any trace. Then they remove the crap clothesline rope, along with the sewn attachment cross thread, thread through a period rope(easy to find in junk shops,antique shops, etc, then resew the rope by rethreaded unraveled cotton rope , through the existing holes left, then **antique* the bunting, rope assembly with various grime, etc. So what is left is a unmarked,but very convincing KL/national battle flag.Me, I carry a tape measure to shows to use on suspect flags,...lol
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