Dear Mike,

That's a beautiful Nymphenburg Sch�ferhund, easy to see how this form evolved into the great example that he put together for Allach a bit later on. The major difference between the two is the positioning of the animal's forelegs.
The soft, pastel-like colors are really nice on your example, too. I believe yours to be a
pre-'45 model.

I really like the group shot of him with your Amsel, bear and maiden - pretty as a picture!

And a great Art Deco Meissen squirrel made out of B�ttger Steinzeug, a extra treat to see.
I have my own ceramic-stone Deco example of a small rabbit or hare, only about a third of the size of your fine squirrel.

Thanks for posting the nice shots, hope you'll find and share more with us.

Hummingbird - I agree the old man was one of the best in his field. But that doesn't mean there weren't others who were just as good - plenty in fact! I just think he was slightly more consistent than almost all the other greats.

Let's see if I can find that "wily-Wabbit.."

