Good for you Gailen:

This event plus some other recent events got me to thinking if there was anything that could be collectivery done on GDC to mitigate these type of problems with scammers.
I know from past discussions; It's unlikey we'll be able to set up a ,by name and location, list of bad sellers for many reasons.
Alternatively; Would the site Administration set up a seperate Forum with the following information permanentely available and in one place?

*Warning signs to look for before you even bid on something. Dave H. and others have created a list of items in the past on this subject.

*Tools that are available such as the ones Degens listed above. I for one had no idea there was a tool to track email ids.

*Recommended procedures to follow if you have been scammed. Many of us know effective procedures that will work to get results here.

I know a lot of this information is already available here but I think it would be a real benefit to pull it all together in one place.
I believe that if this had beeen done years ago the scammer that preyed on Grumpy,British Free Corps Mann,myself and others would have not been successful.