Like most collectors, I have areas that I am more comfortable in, and areas where I seek the advice of specialists. Many of us over the years have acquired bad items in package deals along with the good, myself included. And like �viking-rune�, if it was just some item that was tossed in, sometimes it works out and sometimes not. Being just something that you have to deal with.

Update: To cut to the chase, I think that from the images posted most observers can see that this particular dagger has some really serious �issues�. After looking into it even more. It seems that this dagger is not a one of kind �orphan�. It has relatives for sale that are all bright and shinny and new looking. With, of course, the same pommel cap. The original (new manufacture) thicker unmarked blade, and two ring scabbard etc.

PS: Sometimes you just have to keep digging. And in some respects this thread reminds me of the seemingly never ending �H� dagger discussion which had such strong supporters. Although with that thread, I have no doubt that there were some very sincere believers. Whose long tenure in the collecting community I sincerely respect. Having given so much to it over many, many, years.

And a Special Thanks to Dail (viking-rune). Who brought this matter to light alerting the collector community. I guess that we�ll have to wait and see what happens now(?). FP