Hi Craig.

I respect you and Mr. Stephens very much, and I regret that this thread has evolved into so much personal acrimony. You started this site, and for that you should be duly proud.

I must say Craig, I don't know why you started this thread back in March in the first place if you didn't really want to engage in this 'battle to the death' with Fred Stephens over this sword.

Moreover, I do not understand your argument (at all) that by posting these photos the negative PR of your acquiring that dagger at the MAX show will be magnified. If anything, your refusal to allow the photos to be posted is the only thing bringing that incident to life. Also, I defended you to the hilt in the wake of the sale of that dagger at the MAX show here on the forum. Everyone knows that story:

- The Swede asked you if it was good

- You said you had doubts, but took a closer look later and got second opinions from friends

- You bought the dagger

- The Swede got in your face at the bar and wanted to fight about it

OK. Got it. The guy wasn't really a friend of yours, and you were just giving an off the cuff opinion where you later changed your mind. People have pieces in and out of their hands at every show. That controversy is over. Done. Complete. Terminado. Fini.

This one only has life now because of the "Secret Photos."

Myself, I don't think that even if they are posted, there will be any smoking gun - or anything near a definitive end to this.

Not posting them is a mistake on your and Rob's part. It simply "feeds the beast."

Sooner or later, you will realize this.

Something else you said on this thread, about the Forum being "dead."

Well, I have to agree - this particular thread notwithstanding. It is one of the few things generating any interest. I think you are correct about everyone loving a show.

The real reason the forum is dead Craig is because of heavy handed editing and deleting of posts, and the unjust banning of good forum members like Denny, Johann, Manfred Vogel, and others.

I wish this controversy would die, for while I don't post here very much anymore, I do read and log on to continue my education in the hobby - but I must admit this place is not nearly as enjoyable as it was just a short time ago.

I went to church today, and the sermon was on Kindness. Everyone wants kindness. I sure do. I always remember those who showed it to me. But, not everyone gets kindness, or is treated with kindness. I know, however, that everyone wants to have a friend who acts so.

You know what would really be a welcome turn of events in this thread is if both parties said: "Look, I may have gone over board a bit with my comments here and there, so lets shake and start over."

It would take both to say this, and then I think this discussion could concentrate on the edged weapons at hand.

Thanks for the opportunity to post.

Take care.

<img src="http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2002-4/20265/XBQKF-me109-transparent.gif" width=115 height=34>