Please allow me to make an observation. This thread, good or bad, has resuscitated the Edged Weapon portion of the site and has drawn in a few folks, including myself, to view or even offer an opinion on the subject. Views and comments are vital to a site's survival.

I don't share Herr Gottlieb's opinion that GDC is dead. If he thought it was dead, why did he post a photo of Rob's sword for comment? In my opinion(and you all know what opinions are!) Fred Stephens has trumped Craig's attempts at defending the items in question. It appears to me that Craig is resorting to the pea & shell game and is unable or unwilling to provide the requested photos of the dagger in question. Craig, produce the darn photos, without the previous BS story regarding its original acquisition, and let us see them. If you've nothing to hide, what harm can the photos do?

Finally, I find your placing your own name beside some genuine edged weapons experts to be a bit vain and self-deluding. Your knowledge in the field no doubt eclipses my own, but, then, I didn't put MY name on the list Big Grin

To Rob NL: I'm not making any judgements on your stuff. I'd simply like to see Fred Stephens get a straight answer from Craig. In the end, it will benefit us all.
