
To respond to your statement that it is my word against the word of the notable individuals that you list, and whom you claim support your argument, I would like to draw your attention to the following failings in your submission.

Firstly, General Wolf is dead, and has been so for the past 34 years thereabouts. Unless you are using an ouija board, or the services of a clairvoyant - then I very much doubt that General Wolf is giving you feedback that he discredits my presentation. (It is so typical of you that you claim authority and provenance from sources which cannot be checked. If you are asking me to put faith in this rubbish, then NO, I don't believe you).

Howard Bayliss has not replied to this thread (or yet to the letter I sent him) - so why are you implying that he supports you when he hasn't spoken up?

The same goes for Wolfe-Hardin, there has been no submission from them, so why are you claiming their unflinching support when they haven't gone public with their viewpoint?

Several other of your "names" spoke up in the early stages of this debate, and then decided to remain silent when I finally presented my version of this argument. In fact some of them have been in contact with me - and they are emphatic that they don't want to be involved in this. As one individual put it to me: it is not that he is taking sides, he simply doesn't want to get drawn into it - and yet you insist on claiming him as one of your adherents.

One feature about your list of supporters really perturbes me, it is the fifth name down - it is shown as one Craig Gottlieb. Is this some other Craig Gottlieb, or are you referring to yourself?

You see, Craig, when a man starts referring to himself in the "third person", then I start to question whether or not this individual has a true grasp on reality. It is not a healthy situation - I think that you ought to get out more.