This reply is directed to Craig, in response to his lengthy submission (above).

Craig, you have targeted me in a deliberate campaign of intimidation - let me show you the evidence because it is all here on this thread.

You and I had previously discussed the Wolf Sword, and you knew my opinion on it. We had our differences of opinion, but that was simply in the course of debate. That, I thought, was the end of the matter - but it wasn�t to be. You decided to go public in an attempt to draw me out:

3/3/07 - You opened this thread, and following the display of your images, you introduce the matter of the spelling of the word �Verteidiger�. Yes, I had made that mistake concerning the capitalisation of the German word for �Defender� - but that was a grammatical error on my behalf. It doesn�t necessarily mean that I am totally wrong about the inscription, and how it has been applied.
3/3/07 - Bob Johns (Etched Blades) joins in, with a comment about the unbelievable fact of someone questioning the authenticity of the sword.
3/3/07 - Craig - �I leave it to the critic to mention his objections�.
4/3/07 - Deutscher notices the feature of the strange �dot� after the word NSDAP.
4/3/07 - Craig says the �dot� is perfectly OK
6/3/07 - Craig, repeats that he has asked the critic of the sword to speak up.
2/6/07 - Craig again points out that he is �still waiting� for me to speak up.
5/6/07 - Ron Weinand ventures his opinion that he is unhappy about the sword construction.
5/6/07 - JR makes a similar point.
22/6/07 - Rob NL mentions me by name, and asks me to speak up. Rob also produces the documentation which accompanies the sword.
23/6/07 - Fred Prinz reveals that according to the documentation the scabbard for the sword did not have a hanger - yet the example as we now see it is complete with a hanger. Either the hanger has been added, or the whole scabbard has been replaced. What is now glaringly certain is that the sword has been tampered with.
24/6/07 - Craig confirms my name as being the person who doubts the sword.
24/6/07 - Craig states that my opinions about the sword are wrong.
25/6/07 - Rob NL fully confirms my name and demands that I speak up.

25/6/07 - OK, so after almost 16 weeks of being pestered and slandered by people who don�t actually fully understand the subject matter - I spoke up. And guess what............Craig was shown to be wrong and I consider that I proved my case most adequately. The etching on the Wolf Sword is, in my opinion, faked - and I have shown why this is so. Therefore the correspondence between General Wolf and Howard Bayliss - although authentic in the terms that it really did take place - leaves open to question and speculation the real purpose behind General Wolf�s replies to Mr. Bayliss.

Craig, it is obvious that you passed my name around, and solicited supporters to demand that I speak up. Because I never revealed myself or communicated with anyone other than yourself during the period 3/3/07-25/6/07, so it is obvious that you were the leak that put my name around. There was no way you were going to leave the matter alone. You thought that by provoking me into a response (plus the numerous private e-mails you sent me, demanding my reply) that you would be able to destroy my reputation and humiliate me. With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Well, Craig, you got it badly wrong. You forcibly prized the genie out of the bottle, and now you are complaining because it is wreaking havoc. Did it never occur to you to double check the things that I told you? Do you really have such hubris and arrogance that you can�t believe that I just might be right? After such a campaign to get me out in the open do you not think that you have invited the problem upon yourself? Who can blame me for putting up such a defence? Now you are playing all injured and demanding an apology.

Well, the only thing I am sorry about (or rather, saddened), is that you thought it would be a bit of fun to publicly humiliate me. You went out of your way to set me up - it is perfectly clear from the thread entries that I have detailed above. Check them yourself, if you want, they are all visible on this thread.

I didn�t deserve to be treated in such a manner, Craig. I deserved a little more respect. In fact I think it is YOU who owes ME an APOLOGY. I won�t be holding my breath in anticipation of receiving one from you - after all, it takes a real man to face up to his own failings.

Frederick J. Stephens