Fred: Read my lips (or read one of many earlier posts by me) - I do not wish to rehash the controversy surrounding how I obtained the Schnaufer Dagger, which is why I don't wish to discuss it. There are plenty of other pieces that you don't like which I have sold, which I don't wish to discuss for a number of other reasons, which are legitimate reasons. Not everything is fodder for public discourse. Regarding the Snaufer Dagger, my actions were entirely misrepresented, and it took me a lot of hard work to win a public relations campaign, that I DO NOT wish to relive again. The dagger will always be steeped in controversy because of how it was allegedly obtained, and that is all I will say on the matter. I don't know why you insist on taking all of this so personally, and why you insist on using emotionally-charged conspiracy-theorist language to incite intrigue where there is none. I also wish to express my thanks at the wisdom of Ron and Gailen's posts. You are both wise counselors. Now, why can't I follow my own advice and stop coming back to this thread? It's like quicksand, hydra-fighting, or a pile of sugar that I can't help tasting. I am so confused, I can't figure out which analogy is best! Wink

Craig Gottlieb
Founder, German Daggers Dot Com