Rob NL

I have noted your posting of 01 August, plus your recent previous submissions, so I will endeavour to answer all of your questions.

Firstly please allow me to make these two separate extracts from your posting this morning:
??? Mr Stephens , didnt we talk aout those SAME questions when you E-mailed me privatly?
Didnt you get an answer also ?

If you are so sure that the Wolf sword is a fake , then why do you e-mail me that you wish to inspect it in person?
Is it because your not so sure anymore?
The first reason that I e-mailed you privately is because I wanted to discuss the Wolf Sword with you in an off-line capacity. My doubts about the piece are serious, and I wanted to explain them to you fully, and to allow you the chance to question me face-to-face.

The second reason I e-mailed you is because I suspected that you were the buyer of Craig�s Schnaufer Dagger - so I wanted to talk to you privately. I did not wish to confront you with the embarrassing public revelation on this site, that you had been the victim of another fraudulent transaction. However, you did not respond to my invitation, and rejected my approach by stating on this site that I was being patronising to you.

OK, that was your prerogative - you don�t have to answer my questions anywhere privately or publicaly. So I chose the second option of going public with the Schnaufer photos - which Craig quickly had removed. Of course I must point out that if the dagger was fully authentic and flawless, why would he bother to remove it?

In fact I must ask: Why are YOU frightened to discuss this dagger?

I have a comprehensive selection of photos of this piece, but out of respect for your integrity I choose to allow you to decide when you will publicise photos of this dagger, before I present the images that I possess.

Copyright of photos is not an issue here. Craig has challenged me to reveal all that I know so he can shoot it down - well it is time he realised that his own profile is right there up on the target. This particular victim is prepared to bite back!

I have noted, today, the further submissions of Craig Gottlieb on this site - particularly those directed at myself. I will reply within 24 hours.

I further note some comments by Gailen David. OK Gailen, if you have something to state the please say it clearly. After all - we all claim to be to be acting in the interests of the general membership. What point do you wish to make?

Best regards
Frederick J. Stephens